
Thanks for the replies to my post! Wee acre where did you get your buckeyes from? Is there a link on this website to local breeders or should I look online/ tractor supply? I am also new to Maine IzzyBella, new to the US actually so am unsure on all sorts not just chickens! lol
Thanks for the replies to my post! Wee acre where did you get your buckeyes from? Is there a link on this website to local breeders or should I look online/ tractor supply? I am also new to Maine IzzyBella, new to the US actually so am unsure on all sorts not just chickens! lol

I started with eggs I ordered from a breeder in MN. I then ordered eggs from another well known breeder in Ohio followed by receiving live chicks from my friend in MN. I am now a listed breeder of the Buckeye for the state of Maine; I have chicks available and will be at some of the swaps throughout the spring and summer. If I can be of help with any questions you may have just ask away.
I take it back. The ducks are not on strike. I found two dark, almost black, duck eggs today along with the normal turkey egg and three chicken eggs.
Is there anyone around here selling silkie pullets/hens? Not chicks. My poor silkie Chewbacca is the only bantam I have, and she's getting picked on. Her old companion died a few months ago, and I just think she could benefit from a new similarly-sized friend. Any color would be lovely, though I'd really love to get my hands on a splash/paint especially!

I got my first "wind egg" the other day, aka "fairy egg" or, hilariously, "fart egg". Basically, a teeny yolkless egg. I might blow it out. I never knew those were a thing!
Hi all, I am new on here and when it comes to all things chicken so excuse me if I am asking questions that have already been answered on this thread. I am hoping to get some chickens, our zoning only allows for up to 6 and I am unsure of what breed/breeds I should get. I am leaning a little towards Barred rock, Australorps, Orpingtons and Wyandottes at the moment and was wondering if any fellow Mainers could make suggestions when it comes to whats best for the climate here in Maine. Also any suggestions as to where I might find the chickens once I have decided what to go for, i'd quite like a mix of a couple of breeds so also knowing what breeds get a long would be good to know. I would like a breed that is sociable as I have two young children who will to be involved in their care.

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I got my first "wind egg" the other day, aka "fairy egg" or, hilariously, "fart egg". Basically, a teeny yolkless egg. I might blow it out. I never knew those were a thing!

I got one the other day for the first time, too!! Hilarious!! I had no idea that those happened, so had to google it. I am definitely going to blow it out and keep it to put next to the biggest double-yolker I ever got that I also blew out. :)
Pretty excited! Getting my first batch of fertilized eggs, americaunas! My last batch was mostly roosters. Hoping to get better odds.

For the newcomer, I have loved my orphingtons, Cochins and went back to my sex links. I learned hand raised chicks were friendlier than hen raised chicks. I've enjoyed brahmas, EEs, wyandottes, and barred rocks. I've begun to take a liking to the larger fluffy footed breeds despite less eggs. My recent likeness to Americaunas is their fluffy cheeks and feistier nature. The only birds I've had problems with frost bite are my leghorns. I've even tried a couple d'uccles but being so docile and small there was too much bullying. The only bird I haven't liked personality wise was RIRs. Mine we're mean, the whole lot of them!

In the future, how can you tell an EE from an Americauna? I've been hesitant to buy local bc I heard they were all EEs despite what the farmer says. Thoughts? Tips? I'd like to try my own breeding program in the future, mostly to restock my bunch, but I'd like to do it right!

Dani in Maine
Tam - you might try the board barn in Cumberland/gray on rt 100. They sometimes carry shavings. I know Paris Farmers Union in portland has them  but it is a bit more of a haul for you.

I drive by the Board Barn quite often and I haven't noticed any outside. I love going there cause they are cheap. I guess I will just stop in and see if they have some. Good to know about Paris Union in Portland, it's not too far, about 15-20 minutes. Thanks!

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