
I wish chicken neighbor was my neighbor too. My neighbor to the right has a part pitbull dog that has attacked my chickens 4 times. They are now in a fortress of a run and now longer can free range. My neighbor to the left says my chickens are eating her little compost pile. Maybe so but maybe also the raccoons, skunks and 40 turkeys that walk down through our yards to the lake every day. The rest of the neighbors love them and bring treats and bags of greens and tomatoes ( their fav).
chickenneighbor can also be my neighbor! The neighbor to the right is great, they love the chickens. The neighbor to the left, not so much. I understand that it is his property,and his right not to have my animals visiting, but he was just plain mean about no eggs for him!
I have another neighbor who isn't too happy when the hens get in her gardens, but she isn't mean about shooing them away. In fact, she otherwise enjoys them. I think you either are an animal person or you're not. I'd just as soon sacrifice a few bean plants to watch a good dirt bath!
I came home today to find half a dozen of the chicks had flown over the divider fence and were in with the big girls. No blood shed. I put everybody back where they belonged. Then when doing a head count before heading out to 12 y.o.'s ball game, one of the RCBL was missing. Found her pacing back in forth in the big girl's coop at the divider between the big and little's space. So, clearly, their days of segregation are coming to a close... before I was really ready for it. So, I expect that if I allow them all to mingle, the littles will be flying over the fence to range with the big girls. The smallest of these chicks are a bit less than 1/2 the size of a full grown RIR. And they are no where near as tame as the big girls, so, I fear that letting them out to range would be a lesson in frustration. They have an appointment with a pair of scissors, and the fence will soon be charged. Any one care to chime in with suggestions or experience with the transition of chicks to ranging with the big girls??
@ChickMagnet207 I agree the swaps are a great place!!!

My 2 Polish chicks are growing 2 1/2WEEKS now but the Barred/EE that came with them is hardly growing? ?? He's always burrowed under them.

Hatch day for the Dominique eggs today...ughhh I am going out of my mind waiting! !!! Please keep your fingers crossed!!!
Chickmagnet!!! Hey
its good to see you again. Missed you at Windsor. There were no great RIR there this year. I was surprised. Is that cock you are want to part with a Leghorn or white rock??

Today was the day for pickling asparagus and picking lilacs to bring inside and sewing up the last of the winter seamstress projects. The afternoon is so lovely.
Chickmagnet!!! Hey
its good to see you again. Missed you at Windsor. There were no great RIR there this year. I was surprised. Is that cock you are want to part with a Leghorn or white rock??

Hello Ash, He is a production Leghorn Cross. He is full of himself and quite the ladies man but I have no use for him anymore since I'm completely focused on breeding Rhode Island Reds. Unfortunately I haven't made any shows this year. I'm surprised nobody had any good reds at Windsor. I figured when one of my best roosters just vanished this spring that my buddy was still at it LOL

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