
Marcy, are all of your girls Wyandottes? Pretty. From my understanding, Wyandottes are a bit later to lay than some of the other breeds.

Today, I planted 2 Siberian Pea tree shrubs, and 2 Elderberries. digging was hard, bony, nasty soil. Luckily I had a lot of compost to amend with. Hope the plants do ok in their hostile environment. Had to build one area up, rather than digging down. Have 2 bush cherries and an apricot left to go. Still have to do some tilling in the new lawn area to take down some ridges. Otherwise, dragging a piece of fencing with a couple of tires on top is doing a pretty good job. Lots of rocks and tree branches still to be picked out. It would be so nice if we had a good solid week of rain. Say, starting next Tuesday!!!
Yeah, back in '02 I drilled (or attempted to drill) 3 holes for frost posts for the deck I managed to build. I soon discovered that Maine is mostly rock with a bit of dirt sprinkled around them. lol

The deck hasn't budged a millimeter, btw.
Someone was asking about Buckeyes and who raises them. I have been raising and breeding them for the last 3 years. This year I hatched and sold close to 200 chicks. I am listed in the Buckeye Breeders Directory of the American Buckeye Club. My last hatch was back in July and now the girls are resting and getting a much deserved break, although I have one more hen setting on 6 eggs. I have had 2 Buckeye broody hens so far this summer. I am in hopes of next year shipping chicks as well as eggs which I have been doing. My avatar is my main breeder roo but have another almost as nice looking.
My pullets aren't laying yet, we heard the "egg song" the other night. I am not sure how old they are. The person I bought them from said they should be laying by mid September. They have grown a lot since I first got them. Today, I turned the straw over, coop still looks clean and dry from the big clean on Sunday. I totally cleaned it out, started fresh with three inches of pine shavings and straw on top, going to try the deep littler method for winter. My cousin swears by it. No eggs in the nest boxes yet, they were all stacked in them when I locked up last night. They were all on perches when my DH opened the door before work. Pretty lazy day here because of the heat. Fed the girls a bunch of insides from a cantaloupe. Other than that the dachshund puppy and golden puppy dug a huge hole in the back yard while I was checking the coop. The three senior dogs rolled in the dirt with them, so I got to wash five dogs after the coop was clean. Thank goodness for a deep laundry room sink!

Marcy, I have two wyandotes that are 17 weeks. Mine look just a tad less mature than yours, so I bet yours are 19-20 weeks old. (Please note this is totally a guess!) I had some breeds start laying at 18 weeks last year, but this is my first time with wyandotes, so I don't know what to expect for laying... I have heard, as LG mentioned, that they are later to lay. They are the funniest little birds, though... so inquisitive and friendly.
Someone was asking about Buckeyes and who raises them. I have been raising and breeding them for the last 3 years. This year I hatched and sold close to 200 chicks. I am listed in the Buckeye Breeders Directory of the American Buckeye Club. My last hatch was back in July and now the girls are resting and getting a much deserved break, although I have one more hen setting on 6 eggs. I have had 2 Buckeye broody hens so far this summer. I am in hopes of next year shipping chicks as well as eggs which I have been doing. My avatar is my main breeder roo but have another almost as nice looking.
That someone would be me.

Except DW wants to start with some Doms (Spring of 2015) first then I get my Buckeyes the following Spring. Or so the plan seems to be set.

Where in ME are ya? I'll likely be settled in Machias when we start our flock.

That's one handsome cock you got there too.
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Marcy, I have two wyandotes that are 17 weeks. Mine look just a tad less mature than yours, so I bet yours are 19-20 weeks old. (Please note this is totally a guess!) I had some breeds start laying at 18 weeks last year, but this is my first time with wyandotes, so I don't know what to expect for laying... I have heard, as LG mentioned, that they are later to lay. They are the funniest little birds, though... so inquisitive and friendly.
I think mine are 20 weeks, They are funny to watch! I will try to get a better picture today. I looked a mature hen online the other day and they aren't quite there. I hate to be a flake, but I forget the exact date I got them, I had moved into the new house I think a week or so before, maybe two weeks before. We have been here for six weeks on Friday.I just checked, I have had the birds for four weeks on Thursday and she said they were 16 weeks so that would make them 20 weeks this week. So I guess in September sometime.
I have a leghorn sitting in a nest box today!!! Some one laid an egg this morning... large egg, covered in yolk. Too dark to be white, too light to be a typical brown egg. Very thin shell. Not sure what's up with that. The girls will get a scrambled egg treat from that one.
I think mine are 20 weeks, They are funny to watch! I will try to get a better picture today. I looked a mature hen online the other day and they aren't quite there. I hate to be a flake, but I forget the exact date I got them, I had moved into the new house I think a week or so before, maybe two weeks before. We have been here for six weeks on Friday.I just checked, I have had the birds for four weeks on Thursday and she said they were 16 weeks so that would make them 20 weeks this week. So I guess in September sometime. 

Marcy, I also have a SLW pullet who is about 20 weeks. Her comb & waddles are getting more red but the SLW I had last year didn't lay her first egg until 25-26 weeks. She was a very faithful layer of a pretty, off-white, medium sized egg. Congrats on the egg, Lazygardiner!
Marcy, I also have a SLW pullet who is about 20 weeks. Her comb & waddles are getting more red but the SLW I had last year didn't lay her first egg until 25-26 weeks. She was a very faithful layer of a pretty, off-white, medium sized egg. Congrats on the egg, Lazygardiner!
Keep me posted on the SLWs. I'm curious to know when mine will lay, since I keep hearing that they tend to be later. Mine is only 17 weeks, so it will probably be a couple of months!

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