
real close! I see that you're in China, we're in South China.

Yes! We're in south China as well. Branch mills.
Welcome to the area! I grew up here and brought my husband here to live after college. It's a great community.
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Eggs are on the upswing! Total count, last week in December, 18 eggs. Last week 22 eggs, this week 28 eggs.

Did anyone read that Tide Mill Farms (downeast) is getting a poultry processing plant? I imagine that will be a big help to folks up that way.
I am going to start fresh with chickens this Spring. The coop is up but just needs perches and nest boxes installed. And the run just needs some fine tuning once Spring arrives and the snow is gone. The ducks decided to move in with the goats instead of staying with the coop so it will just be a dedicated chicken space. Now I am trying to decide what chickens to get. I know I want some Silkies and I will pick up a couple Golden Comets for the egg production. Other than that I am up for any breed that does well in Maine, needs help conservation wise, is relatively easy to get and does not cost an arm and a leg. I like Speckled Sussex and Salmon Faverolles but they are not the easiest breeds to find in these parts.

And,fingers crossed, I am hoping that my Saxony ducks hatch out some ducklings this year.
Widget: I vote for the lovely Rose Combed Dominique. You'll not find a nicer personality. And they have the softest feathers you'll ever touch, and their pattern is real easy on the eyes as well. Also, they're fairly easy to sex as day olds. What's not to like with all of this? The only down side IMO is that their eggs aren't too big, but they're a reliable layer. Love my Doms! Second recommendation, which I have no experience with, but they're certainly on my watch list: Buckeye. (pea comb, good mouser, much better tempered than the RIR)
Widget: I vote for the lovely Rose Combed Dominique. You'll not find a nicer personality. And they have the softest feathers you'll ever touch, and their pattern is real easy on the eyes as well. Also, they're fairly easy to sex as day olds. What's not to like with all of this? The only down side IMO is that their eggs aren't too big, but they're a reliable layer. Love my Doms! Second recommendation, which I have no experience with, but they're certainly on my watch list: Buckeye. (pea comb, good mouser, much better tempered than the RIR)

I was thinking Buckeye. The Dominique was not on my radar but you are right they are nice looking.
Hello all! Wanted to share from up in the County. We've only had chickens since April and we're learning a lot, especially about 'chicken math". Some of you may remember our TSC pullets that are cockerel debacle. :) Well, our Barred Rock went broody right around Christmas. I got advice to allow it. It was her first time so we figured it was a practice run, Well, she must have picked it up pretty quick. Went out to the barn yesterday and found 3 live/2deceased chicks. Since we're having frigid weather, we brought them in the house to keep warm. When we checked last night there was another chick! "Tiny" is still on 3 eggs, but nothing yet this morning. All 4 chicks are inside and warm, eating and drinking. We started with 8 'pullets'(5 roos, 3 pullets), 11 replacement pullets from a neighbor and now 4 new chicks. Chicken math! :)

Congrats on your broody success!! That is so exciting! Good for her. :)
Widget, thanks for the Coursera info. I'd never heard of Coursera. I signed up for the course and a couple of others, too. It's exciting to see all the new chick plans here. As much as we'd like to bring in a few more, I think we need to expand our outdoor runs a bit more first so they have a bit more shelter from the wind.
We're battling a bit of frostbite on our big roo, and a couple of the girls, but I think we caught it fast. Vaseline all around the chilly bits seems to be working, even on the coldest nights.
I recently lost my rooster so I am on a search for a replacement leghorn rooster. Please let me know of any leads.. Thank you...
Good morning all. Such a treat to have it above freezing, and see the sun shining at the same time. I let the flock out this morning. They came boiling out the people door, and took off on the run to explore. Half an hour later, they're all standing in the coop door way. If they could only talk: "I'm BOOOOOORRRRREEEEED! There's nothing to DOOOOO!!!! There's nothing to EEEEAAAAAATTTT!

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