
So I have had my isa's that are a year old and my 16 week old barred rocks (5 pullets and a rooster) runs side by side for weeks. They have ignored each other for a long time. Saturday night I slipped the barred rocks into the big coop with the isas. Yesterday they stayed completely seperated with some quarrels but the rocks wouldn't go inside to eat or drink so I had to bring it to them. This morning I opened up the coop the isa's were up on the poop board and the barred rocks in the corner on the floor. When they are in the run together the isa's will attack the rooster and he will shove his head in holes they have dug around the run. The isa's are down right being a-holes! The barred rocks are way to docile and won't stick up for themselves. They constantly stay standing in a pile scared to death when a isa walks in their direction. There is no blood being drawn. But I feel so bad cause the rocks won't stick up for themselves at all and scared to death. Should I seperate them again? I'm lost at what to do....
As long as no blood is being drawn and they're getting to food/water (make sure you put extra out), I'd leave them (with you being extra cautious with the supervision). They need to work out the pecking order. Let them.
Watching the integration process can be hard. I only had two pullets to add this year and they were overwhelmed by the rest of the flock. For the first two days, I returned mine to their enclosure just at night/early morning, to make sure they accessed food and water. After that, they were on their own, although I did put food and water in multiple locations. It's been just over a week and they pretty much blend in now. Good luck with them!
Hello yall,
Does anyone know of any places that rescue battery cage hens and have them for adoption, specifically in Maine (or Massachusetts)? Im looking to adopt some more hens. I cant find any for the life of me, except for Collien's chicken rescue.
Any information helps.
bawk bawk
Any one out there know of any one who will process birds for a fee? I'm finding that no matter how many birds I process, it takes me 45 minutes to complete one bird, and I'd rather pay some one to do it for me.

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