
Izzybella: Do you have wild turkeys coming through your yard? They carry a less lethal strain of Mareks that IMO affords some good protection. (they catch and recover from this strain, most often without showing any signs of disease.) From my reading, the vaccine does not prevent infection of the bird, but it prevents the lethal tumors associated with the disease. So, inoculating your flock may prevent the disease from showing signs, but will not prevent the disease from entering your flock.
Hi LG and thanks for the response... yes, I do have wild turkeys. That is good to know. 3 of 3 eggs hatched and I've got adorable little chickies peeping under mama! It is so sweet seeing how caring she is with them. I know where the term mother hen comes from! I wish I had put more than 6 under her (the other 3 eggs got crushed fairly early on).
So it seems my chicken math has already caught up with me, and hubby is encouraging me to cut back a bit on the younger birds. I have a batch of eight Buff Orp/EE crosses that he's convinced me to part with. They hatched on July 30th, and are fully feathered and roosting nicely. I just can't quite justify this many birds :( I'd like to get some cash from them, and am open to offers. Here are some pics of the little lovelies:

Oh gosh, What a grainy picture! Bummer, it looks great on my phone. The two on the log are cochin, on the roost above is a golden hambur, and a black and white polish on the ground.
Hey folks, if you are up for some foolish ribbing to defend the Paul Bunyan title for Maine, including best recipes for ice cream straight from the udder, toss in your 2 cents in the DIY/self sufficiency thread.

I let the flock out this afternoon for some free range. They weren't out for 5 minutes before a NGH showed up, looking for an easy meal. Jack hustled them right back into the run. Hope tomorrow, I can get in some range time, but it is that time of the year.

Loving this fallish weather. Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Hey All! Popping in to say Hi, it's been awhile. Right now I've got 2 broodies (a BA-Matilda & a Sizzle-Blueberry) sitting on 2 eggs each. 1 BA mama (Babs) w/1 chick hatched & being raised in the coop.
Matilda also hatched 4 EE's 4 months ago (Bertha, Goldina, Argyle & Arundel). Ragnar, the roo has stopped attacking me...for now. I sprayed him w/the hose a few times when he started running at me so now he's a little wary of me

Still have the &!$#* rats! I was getting 1 a night in the window trap but that has slowed down.

About a month ago, Had a fox try to get my roo. It was around 4pm, the dogs & I were in the yard. The fox came out of the brush, started after the roo, I started running at the fox, hollering & waving my arms. That thing didn't see me until my roo ran past me & I was between it & the roo. It hesitated to see if I was going to move but I was still running towards it hollering like a maniac. It hightailed it back to the woods. I haven't seen it since but I'm sure she's still around. I hope she's telling all the other predators about the crazy woman who lives here.

Been helping a friend who has 2 girls w/bumblefoot. Did surgery 2, now we're trying a donut-splint on the foot w/every other day soakings. Wish us luck!

Gotta go! See ya soon! Happy Chickeneering
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