
Hello everyone. I've disappeared from here for a million years, but have returned for a question.

Does anyone in the central Maine area raise bantams and might possibly have some (or fertile eggs) for sale this spring?
My middle son has developed an interest in them, and we have some extra room this year.
9.5 weeks till spring!!!! Have you noticed how beautiful the night sky is lately. The moon was almost milky white 2 nights ago, and the stars are a pretty sight! Big old hawk or some such bird scoping out the girls in the run yesterday afternoon. Evil creature.
I developed a good system for the rats using those black plastic snap traps.

I litter the barn with bits of old cheese... not in the traps... just to train them that it's safe Then load it up in the traps, while still keeping the barn littered with it. Was filling the traps twice a day, now it's nice and quiet in there.
Rats here too, especially in the hoop coop (where I cannot set traps due to prevalence of chickens). The ground is too frozen to continue my hardware cloth project until spring.

I have noticed that our egg count finally hit bottom. Two weeks in a row of only 12 eggs (48 hens, - mostly older), and now this week we had 20.
I shot one this morning, .22 rat shot, at further than recommended range. I hit it, there's blood but it made it back down the rat-hole. Here's to hoping for a quick death.

The other one that lives in the same rat hole (there's at least 2) that I see all the time hasn't come back out.

I'll be ready.
Good! One down....
I've never fired a gun, and I wouldn't have a prayer of taking them out that way. I'm also never seen them in daylight, but there is certainly plenty of evidence of their presence. You are causing bleeding, and I am trying to stop it.

How do you stop bleeding on a broken feather? The hens have decided to snack on my rooster's feet again, after a long break. I sprayed his feet with bluekote, but a red spot emerged. I tried to put flour on it, but it is pointy where the blood seems to be coming out and it didn't seem to stop so I sprayed it again. If the hens are distracted long enough for the bleeding to stop and scab over, I can spray it one more time. Otherwise, I guess I'll have to cage him. I never had a stubborn spot like this.

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