
Sorry didn't know if you had roo's or not.
Anyone in central Maine have a female duck they'd trade for a khaki Campbell drake?
I got two drakes instead of one each as ducklings. Won't slaughter since wife likes ducks. That and I can't stand the taste.
No need to apologize @combatfuzzball ! :)

Sorry, folks, not trying to hijack the thread but I just got an e-mail from MOFGA about a mighty bizarre initiative in the state senate (being pushed by State Senator Tom Saviello of Franklin) to basically block towns from regulating the use of pesticides.

Has anyone else heard this? Here's the text:

Regardless of what any individual thinks about pesticides, this seems absolutely crazy that the state could potentially just say: towns are NOT allowed to make up their own minds about how pesticide usage should be regulated.

Currently 28 different towns already have ordinances that limit the use of pesticides. If passed this bill would negate those towns ordinances and ensure no other town every could enact restrictions.

And the to open with the words "Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine..." the people have ALREADY enacted their wills - and decided to limit pesticide use in several places. The people have spoken! What gives outsiders the right to say "No, you MUST accept the spraying toxins even if you don't want to."

Does this sound like democracy in action? Has anyone else heard of this?

My town does not have restrictions, but my state rep (Kinney from Knox) is on the committee (ACF) that Senator Saviello is lobbying to try to push this bill through. So I'm going to start crafting a letter... for whatever good that will do.

What do you all think?!
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Well I think I may have cooked most of the batch incubating in my new Hovabator. Not sure since they're only at 8 days today. I added 4 on the fourth.
Think I will candle again tonight. One of the blue eggs was actually light enough we could see the tiny embryo and it moved.
Also had one of my black Australorp hens try and set for about 2 days but got off yesterday morning. Either the weather change from approaching Noreaster cooled her off or she decided to quit. I don't think Australorps are good sitters anyway. Also heard that Easter Egger and Ameraucana aren't either.
Anyone with more experience?
I know silkies are great at it but I just don't like their look.
Any suggestions on that? My thoughts are maybe finding a game hen.
I would not have a silky in my flock if someone actually paid me to take her! I've had Dominique go broody. Many bantys make good broodys. If I was going to keep a broody hen, I'd want her to be a large butt gal who could cover a lot of eggs.

Occasionally, a bird that is on the "Never goes broody" list fails to read the instruction manual and will set and be a fine broody hen. While other hens on the "Always goes broody" list totally miss out on the nurturing gene. It's all a crap shoot. But, IMO, if you get a good broody, you should hatch her eggs, and keep her daughters.

As for incubators: Hubby and I made 2. One a styrofoam with a bimetal thermostat, and the second with a digital. Both are heated with (2) x 40W bulbs, and I've had good hatches with them. Rush Lane Poultry has some excellent "how to" videos about doing the construct and wiring for the various types of thermostats on the market.
SOooooo.... Fine weather we're having:

Someone forgot to tell the weather gods when the equinox is...

My chickens have lodged a formal complaint...

At least the seedlings look like they're having a good time!
Got 15" so far here in MA.
What are you all suppose to get up North North ?

My area was forecast to get 18" total over the two days. I've got 24" at my place so far. Just finished a marathon shoveling session as it's supposed to get up to 35 today. What a mess! And then we're supposed to have single digit lows starting Saturday. :rolleyes:

I think the chickens are planning on petitioning the UN...

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