
My carrots are a bust also. Poor germination, then the bed got over run with weeds. I may replant in the garlic bed after I harvest the garlic. That bed is covered with composting hay, so weeds are a minimum issue.
Hey all, haven't been around for a bit. Been super busy building a raised bed garden along with fence along one side of the yard.
Just had blowout with neighbor 2 houses up the road from me. He doesn't like roosters so came over last year to let me know his son was about ready to shoot my chickens. This year he came over and threatened my wife with coming over at 3 am to beat down our door. He also called animal control. They said I was legal.
I can't understand his problem he lives over 100 yards away with house and woods in between. I've tried to work with him and only have 2 mature roosters selected simply because they crow very rarely. All my other neighbors have just rolled their eyes or flat out called him unflattering terms.
I was doing the best I could to be considerate until he came over yelling at my wife.
He lives almost across the road from a big dairy farm that is much louder and more often than my roosters.
I think it's just something new and he's trying to be a bully.
I filed an incident report at the police station. I Have tried to work with this guy since last year. I culled 6 beautiful roosters last year due to they simply crowed more.
If he sets foot on my property I'll have him arrested as he was told by my wife to leave after he "talked " with her.
I'm legal for the roosters as this is farmland and won't be a jerk about having tons of roosters but I will have them.
Oh and in better news I now have silver Ameraucana chicks . Only 4 babies at the moment but start of only 2 full silver flocks in Maine. Some lady bought some chicks about a week after I got my eggs to hatch.
Had a scare last night. Younger sistr and DSD where out side unloading groceries. Heard yelling in the woods. Very weird, because we live on 68 Acres in the middle of no where. Cautiously, we're looking, and looking, Finnally we drive down to the soccer field down the road. It was just a training corse for something, thankfully! Still, very scary!
Broody #2 (BA) is sticking to the nest like a champ. B/c I have her in a small enclosure, I've been taking her off the nest every 2 - 3 days to stretch her legs and go poop. Candled eggs last night. She started with 14 eggs 6/25 PM. I gave her an extra 6/26 AM. She ate one on 6/27. Last night, day 8, all were viable except for 1 clear and 1 early quitter. So, she's continuing the race with 12 viable eggs under her. I feel sorry for her in this heat. But she seems to be weathering the heat just fine. Not showing heat stress like some of the other flock members.

CW, broody #1, is doing a good job with her babies. They are all integrated into the flock, and she just stands on the floor of the run and watches while the babies flit up and down from a perch that is almost 4' high. Hoping to gender ID them within the next 2 weeks. I am hoping that she will soon take them to roost in the coop soon so Broody #2 can have her bigger broody space in the coop when her babies hatch.

This has been a banner year for broody hens in my flock. To date, I've had 4, while only allowing 2 to set a clutch of eggs. Incubators are getting dusty, but I really don't mind!!!
Hey all, haven't been around for a bit. Been super busy building a raised bed garden along with fence along one side of the yard.
Just had blowout with neighbor 2 houses up the road from me. He doesn't like roosters so came over last year to let me know his son was about ready to shoot my chickens. This year he came over and threatened my wife with coming over at 3 am to beat down our door. He also called animal control. They said I was legal.
I can't understand his problem he lives over 100 yards away with house and woods in between. I've tried to work with him and only have 2 mature roosters selected simply because they crow very rarely. All my other neighbors have just rolled their eyes or flat out called him unflattering terms.
I was doing the best I could to be considerate until he came over yelling at my wife.
He lives almost across the road from a big dairy farm that is much louder and more often than my roosters.
I think it's just something new and he's trying to be a bully.

Yikes combatfuzzball!1 that is awful! I've warned my neighbors last year about me getting chickens. I'll be reminding them this coming winter again before I get any chicks.
I hear ya about the garden beds, I've been busy working on them too here. I will be so glad when I finally get the coop and run built and when I have chickens so I can complete the cycle here and get them working in the garden. Hope your neighbor chills out and leaves you be!
We're real silent-types here in Maine :D
I'm not ready for winter, at least psychologically. Electric waters are plugged in, but I still need to add tarps around the chicken run.
It would be good to get snow tires on too!

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