
She is sweet. A bit nervous around strangers especially men but very gentle. Unless she is telling the other dogs where they can go. She is the leader of the pack here and doesn't seem ready to retire any time soon.

What can I say I like unique. My collie was a Blue Merle. If I had a dollar for every person who asked what he was mixed with (collie and what), was he blind in his blue eye or if he was really old since he was gray and not Lassie colored I would be able to afford a much needed Disney vacation.

And just to be different my Elkhound is red and not the normal gray. Plus he is blind. I adopted him from the AWS about six years ago and a couple weeks ago was down there to adopt a cat. Since I have two dogs from there I am listed in their computer. At least three people remembered Loki from when he was there. Of all the dogs that go through there every year they remembered my dog from so long ago. They were thrilled that he had found a permanent home since he had been adopted out once before and returned. He was there for many, many months before I adopted him.

Of course I would really like an Irish Wolfhound or a Scottish Deerhound. Maybe someday.
If anyone is interested I just received an email from Purina. I get quarterly coupons from them which are handy for chicken and goat feed. They are doing a refer a friend program and for anyone who uses my code I get extra coupons. Coupons range from $2 to $5 off on bags of feed. Not much but with this economy every bit helps.
Hey fellow Mainahs! I'm down on Vinalhaven island. So glad to see other Maine people on here. I frequent many pet forums and so often I am the only one representin' Maine. LOL
Widget, I have a Facebook friend that was looking for someone to fly to Turkey to bring back a dog (special breed) for the rescue that the dog was part of. I cannot imagine how a rescue could pay to fly someone round trip for a dog. Can't they load them on the plane and someone pick them up in US? (don't know a thing about rescues). Maybe you will get your Irish wolf Hound someday, contact a rescue, they may have a pooch that would fit your world. Its nice to see someone like you, that isn't afraid of taking on "difficult" or hard to adopt animals. That's a hard journey that I get a lump in my throat over. Kudos.

Vinalhaven, welcome to BYC!
My family (on my mother's side) is from Vinalhaven and Isle au Haut. Arey, Coombs and Pellet are the surnames. I know several of them are buried there and I have wanted to take the trip to see if I could find the graves but trying to plan a day off to catch the ferry and explore the island has proven a bit difficult.
I know with the Potcakes it is easy to get them from the Bahamas over to the US. With Turkey not so sure. With all the regulations it is probably cheaper if there is a passenger who is flying with the animal than it would be to send the dog by itself.

And yes Loki (originally Niko) has been very difficult. Looking back he has probably had sight issues for years which would explain his long term shelter stay. He is certainly not a good candidate for being in a home with young children. But for me he is a good dog except for the fact that he constantly bothers one of my Pyrs who is very shy (yet another sort of rescue) and he really had it in for my collie.
HI there Mainers! I have a 4 week old blue copper marans rooster (I am almost 100% sure he is a boy) that I would like to sell, as I cannot keep a rooster right now. He is from excellent lines, (thank you Pinkchick! ) He will be a big boy, and would be great for breeding if so inclined. I am in the Bangor area - PM me if you are interested.
I notice these posts are pretty dated, but a shout out to fellow Maineiacs, I am from central Maine, between Lewiston and Augusta anyone else out there still?
i thought you said you were from central maine south of augusta puts you in the southern part of maine i always thought im just a few miles north of bangor and we call this area central maine lol

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