Make your own - No waste - 5 gallon (25# feed) bucket feeder for about $3

I made mine today with two ports, if I had had a hole saw or whatever you call those things that was 3" instead of 2 1/2 it would have been easier, but as it was it took me a couple of hours to get the elbows cut (hand saw), extra cut off the cut off end ( scroll saw), and holes cut in bucket (scroll saw and grinder after 2 1/2 inch hole saw OWE) and put together. But I LOVE IT and hope the girls get the idea. I am only concerned is with the hen wearing peepers. I hope they get to using it and am looking forward to no wasted feed. The fitting I used was not called a street elbow, but looked similar, with one end a bell and the other straight so the cut off bell end fit over the straight end. My DH who used to work in the plumbing dept of our local hardware store said they used to call what I came home with a street elbow. Not exactly as shown here, but served the same purpose. Thank you for the tutorial. I'm kinda a "see it and do it" gal.
Gosh sometimes I just scratch my head and wonder why I even come to this website.

I wish I could have just posted this thread (since I'm the OP) and then locked the thread. I posted this to help those that might find it useful. Instead there are those that feel they need to disagree with what is posted regardless of the thread.

We have to agree that not everyone will see the world the way we see it. That's what makes BYC a great place to learn things.

Maybe some day the website owner will set up a way were someone can post a suggestion and then not allow any comments................. We could always hope.
Gosh sometimes I just scratch my head and wonder why I even come to this website.

I wish I could have just posted this thread (since I'm the OP) and then locked the thread. I posted this to help those that might find it useful. Instead there are those that feel they need to disagree with what is posted regardless of the thread.

We have to agree that not everyone will see the world the way we see it. That's what makes BYC a great place to learn things.

Maybe some day the website owner will set up a way were someone can post a suggestion and then not allow any comments................. We could always hope.

I have to agree completely. Some people just cannot allow anything to be posted without making a negative comment I guess to make themselves look better. I have to wonder why? I feel sorry for them in a sad sort of way.
I have to agree completely. Some people just cannot allow anything to be posted without making a negative comment I guess to make themselves look better. I have to wonder why? I feel sorry for them in a sad sort of way.

But in all reality.......... a negative comment doesn't make them look good, because everyone else realizes it makes them look bad. Wish there was a way that an OP could ban users from his/her threads. I see that we can "ignore" them, or hide their posts, but what good does that really do?

Instead we just have to ignore them and try to work together as a community that loves raising backyard chickens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that's what I want to do!!!!!!!!!!
There are certain posters on this site that I simply skip right over every single time they post.......Doing this simply makes navigating the threads much simpler.

By the way, the original poster can contact the moderators and request a thread be closed....... We have wonderful moderators on this site!

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