Mallard vs Khaki cambell


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 6, 2013
Im interested in adopting ducks from a local sanctuary, but dont know what kid! They have khaki cambell and mallards. I live in a neighborhood and i know neigbors wouldn't like if they were loud. I was wondering if anyone has an opinion on which i should adopt. Quiet and calm is what im looking for. Ive read on BYC that mallards are loud and unfriendly and also i read that khaki cambells are loud and unfriendly. Thanks for your imput!!!
I have both: 2 Khaki girls and 3 Mallards, one of which is a drake. From my experience, the first individual strong point on the KCs are that they are FABULOUS layers and give us more and bigger eggs than any of the chickens. Duck eggs are far more suitable for baking and cooking than chicken eggs and improve everything you put them in. My Khakis usually lay a few gigantic double-yolkers (with the record still weighing 102 grams) a week. Also, KCs are just plain adorable! They are the "friendliest" of my duck flock, if you could call it that, because they still aren't all that personable. However, they are the least afraid of me, and very easy to get ahold of. To me, their only con is that they are loud, just like most ducks.

This is one of my Khakis, Amira.

Now for Mallards. In my knowledge, one of the strong points for the breed are that they are very ornamental and beautiful. They are stunning waterfowl and add beauty to your flock. Mallards are generally not very good layers, but when they do, it's a wonderful thing. I have gotten a few gorgeous little olive-green eggs from them. Nevertheless, there are quite a few cons that I would pin them with. Initially, they are the most unfriendly, hateful ducks I have ever been at a disadvantage to own; since the very beginning, they have despised me. Keep in mind, though, that not all Mallards are like this, it's just been my experience. Also, mine are aggressive with other chickens and ducks of the same age and younger, and tend to bite and chase them off. They are sometimes VERY mean to their flockmates. Once again, though, this is not always the case with the breed. Last, but not least, they are extremely loud, and drown out all the other ducks with their noise. Even with as much talking as the Khakis do, they can't compete with the deafening Mallard girls (drakes don't really have much of a voice). Actually, my quietest ducks are my Cayugas.

6 of my 9 ducks; the Mallards are lovely.

I hope this helps!

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If you absolutely need a quiet duck, your only choice is Muscovies. Mine are relatively calm and friendly, but on occasion they can be aggressive. They are very quiet, often silent. The males have a hoarse hiss, and many people describe the females' sound as a musical whimper. It sounds very nice. They can quack as well, but they only do it if they're scared or startled. Mine squeak when they're broody. Otherwise, they're very quiet.
Oh, and another thing that I thought of about Mallards. It is standard procedure to clip their wings as they are a wild duck and are more than capable of flying away. Even if they do come back, they could have been mingling with other waterfowl such as geese, and there is a possibility that they could bring back diseases to your flock. I have clipped my Mallards' wings once so far, and although they can still fly a little around the yard, they cannot actually leave for good.

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I have 3 Khaki's and only the female is loud most the time. The males have the cutest warbling sound and only have a loud squawk if if frightened. I rarely hear them do that however. So if you can choose go with male Khaki's and the noise will be at a minimum. As for friendly I would say yes--they are just also cautious. If you have treats like peas or lettuce it really helps warm them up to you! Mine follow me around, take food out of my hand and nibble/peck at at my fingers. :)

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