Mallards growing up (2 pics)


13 Years
Jan 23, 2007
N.E. Louisiana
Seems like yesterday,
they all have their adult feathers now.They flew out to the bayou once, got scared & flew back to their kiddie pool
I've noticed them watching the migrating ducks & geese flying over... makes me very nervous because they hunt them fairly close to where we live.Sounds like WWIII early in the mornings...

But my ducks are too chicken to leave home & I'm so proud of them,lol.
Here they are sifting thru the Jerusalem artichoke beds, they love them.

LOL, they look possessed in this one.
That's what I'm thinking...once they mature you're going to have some trouble on your hands. You either need to find some more ladies (I know of a mallard breeder near Baton Rouge) or find new homes for your guys. My one white call drake is the head over ALL my ducks (and I have like 30)...I can't imagine 4 w/o enough girls. Beautiful babies though,
Good advice. I've thought about that alot. BR is too far for me to go, Kristi, but thanks anyways.
There's a guy that raises ducks in my area,he's got all kinds of ducks.
I feel sorry for their mother who lives on the bayou,she's the only female out of 10 drakes... I sure wish I could catch her.
What age are they mature? They are about 4 months old & already doing the "wild thing" lol.
They are all beautiful bayouchica. Look great. BTW, you know me as sgtsheart on the garden forum.
Actually I was thinking of you earlier. My SO and I were driving home from town and "Louisiana Saturday Night" was playing on the stereo. He said soon he will have to take me to LA and introduce me to his mama's side of the family....the coona** side.
It'll give me a chance to see if he comes by his hard-headedness honestly.

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