Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

The real Paul Bunyan in Bangor Maine. Note the dwarfed pine trees in the back ground. That attests to the authenticity of the TRUE Paul Bunyan. He was noted to be the first lumber jack to use mosquito proboscii to build the famed bunk houses in the north woods.

Now in all seriousness, that design in Aart's post above is what I used when I lost the two chicks. They crawled under the block being held up with the screws got stuck and died. If you use it I suggest you cut "shims" and drill holes in them for the screws to pass through. When you raise and lower it put the shims under the block so the chicks cannot get stuck under it.

I know it is a rare thing, but it happened to me. I can also tell you it will be the chicks you want to live the most that will die, (Murphy's law will apply!)
Never had that happen in 4 batches of chicks....but anything is possible.
The real Paul Bunyan in Bangor Maine. Note the dwarfed pine trees in the back ground. That attests to the authenticity of the TRUE Paul Bunyan. He was noted to be the first lumber jack to use mosquito proboscii to build the famed bunk houses in the north woods.

I wonder who photo-shopped this picture to put Paul in it..

Here he is on his north 40 in Bemidji Minnesota...

And he is sitting on his porch in Brainerd, Minnesota..

The facts speak for himself, He is pure Minnesotan!
If in the future you ever have a problem trying to decipher if what someone says here is the truth or not I suggest you ask me. I am kind of a truthsayer and can tell almost immediately what is Bovine droppings and what is not.

Um, Ralphie, IIRC you are a retired law enforcement officer. Do they remove the "honesty" part of your brain when you retire?


Here's my finished result. And I just called TSC and they have in the chicks I want! What side is down on the heating pad again? The writing or the cloth? Also, I've always used pine shavings in my brooder but you don't recommend that?

Here's my finished result. And I just called TSC and they have in the chicks I want! What side is down on the heating pad again? The writing or the cloth? Also, I've always used pine shavings in my brooder but you don't recommend that?

People here will tell you the writing side. I made my first one the fluffy side down, and to be honest, I cannot tell a difference with the chicks nor do I think they can.

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