Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

Well I had 5 chicks beside MHP back in the corner under the HP controls, they had s little nest made in the straw back there ...last night I said if some weren't under they were on their own, yeah I totally caved and stuck them under. It's supposed to be in the 30's tonight, I just didn't know so I chose to put them under. I think they would've been okay? Anyway, we'll see what tomorrow night brings I guess
Oh and about referring this method to others, I was telling my mom about MHP (she's always done the heat lamp) and she loves it! She was amazed how quiet they got once under mama. She'll be using it next time :D
I can answer that question! All my friends think eggs come from a grocery store! I'm a black sheep!

OK, Blooie.  I think it's time to add a survey to this thread, or perhaps do a MHP#2 thread, with an attached survey.  Be sure to add a question pertaining to:  "Have you had any friends or acquaintances use MHP as a result of your recommendation?"

OK, Blooie.  I think it's time to add a survey to this thread, or perhaps do a MHP#2 thread, with an attached survey.  Be sure to add a question pertaining to:  "Have you had any friends or acquaintances use MHP as a result of your recommendation?"
We have had a small hay farm about 100 miles north of Houston for over 4 years. February 15th we sold our home in Houston and moved to the farm full time.
I guess you could say I semi retired. We wanted chic's but knew we need to be here full time. About 1 week before we got the chic's I found this thread It made sense and I like not having the fire hazard. We got 3 buff orpington's and 3 Barred Rock on March 11th. The first brooder only lasted about 1.5 weeks It was a 100 gallon stock tank. 1/2 was taken up by the MHP. So we moved them into what was going to be the chicken run. They will be here for about 2-3 weeks and moved to the coop. I think they are happy. It is amazing how fast they grow.

Here are some pictures.

Not much room on the first brooder.

I think this is better. The yellow plastic frame is to provide some shelter from the wind, keep the towel and heating pad clean. The coldest is got was 31 and they did just fine.

So far so good.



I'm sorry! I don't know what happened to that last post! Something went wrong!

My girls continue to thrive using MHP! Wing feathers are growing in. Today I ground up some chick feed, and you'd have thought I gave them caviar! They stuffed themselves today instead of picking through crumbles. Hopefully I didn't spoil them.

OK, Blooie.  I think it's time to add a survey to this thread, or perhaps do a MHP#2 thread, with an attached survey.  Be sure to add a question pertaining to:  "Have you had any friends or acquaintances use MHP as a result of your recommendation?"
I have a quick question. My chicks are around 4 weeks old and I have them in a big brooder area of my basement. I have the mph on a 1 and they are choosing not to sleep under it any more. Does this mean that they don't need it or heat anymore? It's a constant 60 degrees down there. If they are done with it, how long should I wait to move them outside? Thanks!
Hey, Ruby!! They are most likely telling you that they're done! By 4 weeks a whole brood wouldn't fit under Mama Broody Hen either, but they'd still want to be close by for security, or if there was suddenly a vacancy when little brother or sister went out exploring.
Depending on your outside temps of course, but I'd go ahead and move them out, especially if you can rig up the pad out there somewhere for them until they acclimate in a few days. They'd appreciate the warm boost, but most especially they'd be grateful that there's something familiar in these strange new surroundings. Turn it on 1 or 2 - they don't need a lot at this stage. And honestly if you can't actually run the pad out there, take off the pad where it connects to the power cord, set up the cave with lots of straw, pine shavings or whatever, and fool 'em. They'll think they have the pad, their collective body heat will warm the space bit, and they'll have the security they want while they get used to their new digs. Nothing wrong with conning them a little bit.

@Stan R Your dues are paid! What a great outdoor setup!
I never thought of putting the pad/cave in the coop even if it's not plugged in. I can't easily run a cord to where mine will be when it's time to move them out but I'll do that for them for sure. Thanks!
You're welcome - but remember that really drastic temps changes aren't the most wonderful thing so be sure you're comfortable with the differences and are sure the chicks are feathered enough. I tend to forget that part, since mine are brooded from the get-go in whatever temps happen to be out there at the time they arrive here. (Or are I'm hoping at least some of these incubating eggs do!)

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