Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

OK then, if you're that adamant you won't mind my answering my question; what does "moist heat" have to do with it? I mean, out of all the posts I've seen can't remember reading anything about anyone pouring water on their MHP.

Please, this inquiring mind wants to know...

P.S. Good luck with your resuscitated chick, I hope she recovers aright.

Mine was in a "coop" that I had cobbled together for my meaties. By the time they were done with it and I brought it in and took off the press and seal, it was a wet nasty mess. Still putting out heat though! Washed it and it works fine.

Adopt away. She's having so much fun with the chicks. She has no clue that the entire chicken innerweb is following her escapades.
She is/was a very independent lady. She literally worked cattle, built fence, whatever had to be done. She still makes a garden, tends to all of her flowers and such and apparently raises chickens. We got her a golf cart so she can get around her place and come down to our house. She's borderline nutso on the thing but whatever she wants we try to oblige. She is quite a lady even though there are some days that I have to go outside and scream at some of the things she does and/or comes up with.

Um, the feeling may be mutual. ;)

Jeez Blooie. What a shame. Hope you're able to save her.Positive thoughts out to your little chick.
Hope she makes it @Blooie
OK then, if you're that adamant you won't mind my answering my question; what does "moist heat" have to do with it? I mean, out of all the posts I've seen can't remember reading anything about anyone pouring water on their MHP.

Please, this inquiring mind wants to know...

P.S. Good luck with your resuscitated chick, I hope she recovers aright.
It was a joke, @Flywheel.

Looks like little stinker might just make it. Gotta get her/him through the next 24 hours - if I can stand the peeping all night long!
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There are a lot of dogs who are willing to take the hit from an invisible fence to get out of the perimeter...who are then unmotivated to take it to get back IN.

Sorry, forgot I didn't respond. Anyways, that's part of what I'm worried about plus him bothering the neighbors and everything. Of course, if he got out we'd probably go try to find him anyways but still. Our old dog my dad used to just roam and he'd go be fed by neighbors and come home when he was ready. It was stupid but most neighbors loved him. He did get hit by a car once when he was older though when he figured out the better food was across the street but he lived a few more years. But anyways, my dad has since realized how stupid it was to let a dog roam, especially in town/a neighborhood. Which is why we contain Gator, even if it isn't an ideal method, and drive around looking for him when he gets loose. He's usually on the street behind us or in front of us but once or twice he went further. I'd love for him to be able to be off the leash though
Just took Little Stinker back outside. Too dark to video and with our dim flashlight so we couldn't have lit the area up enough anyway. Stinker peeped like crazy all the way out there. I opened the pen, crouched down in the straw, and opened my hand. ZIP!! Into the cave and the next thing I heard was that sweet little trilling sound as he/she snuggled in. Oh, and a few peeps of protest from those who had been perfectly happy just the way they were and suddenly had to move, thank you very much!

Should I have kept him inside? Maybe. But if he isn't going to make it anyway, that outcome won't change just because he's in here. It's every bit as warm and snuggly inside the straw filled cave plus he has others to snuggle with, and he was most definitely not happy being in here all by himself. So out he went. You can bet I'll be out there first thing in the morning checking on him.

I had this happen a couple of years ago with Scout. He was a little roo who got pushed out from under Mama when she was still sitting on other eggs and he couldn't get back. It was exactly the breathing, no sounds, legs and neck extended, stiff, cold. Just sickening. And then there was something - I still am not 100% sure - that I saw and I grabbed him, shoved him in my bra, and came running to the house telling Ken to get the brooder heated up. He was back outside with Mama later that same afternoon. So just because you think all hope is gone, just try!

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