Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

Whew, @Blooie , what an evening you had!! Good save!
Looking forward to hearing it's well and fine this morning.

Caught chick with 'bloodied' wattles midday when I saw it lounging in the coop placidly allowing another chick to peck at said wattles.... which are bruised and inflamed but not's one of my 4 F1 OE's and indeed appears to be a cockerel at just under 3 weeks....time will tell, but wattle growth by 5-6 weeks has proven to be pretty accurate for male gender ID.

All 16 chicks made it back into the coop on their own last night, at least there weren't any out in the run when I locked up after dark. I did not want to corral chicks in the dark with only a headlight. Tho my chick 'corral' worked well earlier in the day....just a couple of pieces of 1x2x24 fencing hinged together for a 'door' and placed in the corner of run, herd them around and into the corner corral, close the 'door' and pick them up. They are really too big to all fit under the 12x24 MHP, but they try, leaking out the back.....wonder's why they are not on top of it.<scratches head>
I am happy to report that although I dreaded going out this morning, I was overjoyed to look at 3 little White Orpingtons and be totally unable at first to tell which one was the Little Stinker until I got a good look at his wings. On both sides it looks like some feathers are "separated", almost as if he got them hung up in the bars of the brooder pen. It's just cosmetic damage, but that's how I was able to identify him.
We may have half a chance here.....

Last video. Somebody is going back out with his/her buddies. Hollering loud enough for them so I guess what Baby wants, Baby gets.

Congrats on the save, Blooie! From now on you shall be known as the Chick Whisperer!

Re: The MHB idea, I didn't know you were joking, sorry.
But I do believe the smaller throws at least are washable...

We really need a smiley for "embarrased"
Congrats on the save, Blooie! From now on you shall be known as the Chick Whisperer!

Re: The MHB idea, I didn't know you were joking, sorry.
But I do believe the smaller throws at least are washable...

We really need a smiley for "embarrased"
No prob.....I ain't one to get upset about stuff, especially stuff like that. So put your unembarrassed face back on!!!!
Oh, and thanks! It was a little intense around here for a while, but she's doing great!
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Oh yah Blooie I am so glad the little guy made it through the night! So I made a new cave and they are all happy little chicks this morning. They all came running and peeping out of the cave this morning when I turned the light on. Eating and drinking well and no pasty butt so that is a plus. Although one had what I thought was pasty but and I clean it up and her vent is clear, but there is something black/brown right underneath it that isn't coming out of her downy feathers. I am not sure if its just really hardened poop or if its a growth, but even after softening it in warm water the little chick was very upset when I tried pulling it off, so it might be attached its hard to tell in all that fluff. Hope its nothing serious, I really like that little chick, I am hoping since she is eating and active that its no big deal. But I will check it later today just to be safe. I will try to upload some pictures of the chicks later today when I am done with the physical therapist.
Solved the snow melting on top of the brooder this am...I was out in my flannel PJ's & my sloshing boots and I was scooping the snow off the roof run with their 3 quart feed scoop. Hey it was too hard to maneuver a shovel up the ladder and trying to shovel, I am short. The scoop worked much better, glad to say there is minimal snow over the brooder area now. I will have to add some fresh dry straw in a day or so, but it should work. Also going to be opening or making some make shift portals (nothing as fancy as Azygous) so they can start hanging with the adults.
Oh yah Blooie I am so glad the little guy made it through the night! So I made a new cave and they are all happy little chicks this morning. They all came running and peeping out of the cave this morning when I turned the light on. Eating and drinking well and no pasty butt so that is a plus. Although one had what I thought was pasty but and I clean it up and her vent is clear, but there is something black/brown right underneath it that isn't coming out of her downy feathers. I am not sure if its just really hardened poop or if its a growth, but even after softening it in warm water the little chick was very upset when I tried pulling it off, so it might be attached its hard to tell in all that fluff. Hope its nothing serious, I really like that little chick, I am hoping since she is eating and active that its no big deal. But I will check it later today just to be safe. I will try to upload some pictures of the chicks later today when I am done with the physical therapist.

It may well be her umbilical cord, in which case leave it alone, it will be disposed of in due time....I found the same kind of thing on one of my chicks, and had the same concerns you did! Thankfully I did not pull it, not good for the chick...
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