Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

aart, im curious why you went under the rack. Would the rack itself would warm up even with the heating pad on top?? I did my last one in the original design and can change it before chicks arrive Friday. I have this baking rack and love the adjustable legs! I don't have the bungees which is why I'm asking.

I also like that there is a back exit which my first cave didn't have. When this group of littles incorporates with my 6 week olds, I want the littles to have room to go under, but not get pinned under and then the bigs will probably hang out on top.
Whew....a lot has happened on here since I was on yesterday. I was checking in, but we were on the road and I just hate typing responses on my phone when we're on bumpy roads and going from having signal to no signal every time we hit the hills.

Chicken Curious, I'm curious.....did you mean six week olds? They shouldn't be even needing heat at all by this stage so that should free up MHP completely for the new chicks.

Donna, LG has hit it right on the nose I think. Whether you decide to treat or not is totally up to you. I get the need to fix fix fix - I did that with Scout and while I don't regret it, I wouldn't do it again. That's just me. As most folks know, I have two disabled granddaughters, both with different degrees of autism and one of them with Spina Bifida besides. But I had to learn not to equate their issues with a chick's issues. Maybe that sounds cold-hearted. Whatever you decide to do, I am in your corner completely.
Well my two MHPs are working wonderful. So nice not having a heat lamp on all the time. Going to be brave and make one out in unheated porch for a group of 25 RIR I'm taking on.

Hi yooper girl.... Where in the U. P. do you live? Little lake is my home.
You don't have to be specific.
I'm just curious. I don't run into many yoopers here is all.
Blooie, the 6 week olds do not need heat. I made them a lovely huddle box and they just pile on top like they got used to with the MHP :p

I have a feeling they might choose to pile on top of the new MHP once it appears again.

The glad-wrapped towel is still wrapped and pristine so I'll just use it on top again. I was just reconsidering the flat, open backed design vs the cave this time. Since they're on deep litter it actually doesn't need to be adjustable since I/they can just dig deeper to still fit... I'm not sure how soon the chicks can go onto deep litter...last group was 3 weeks, I think, but someone commented when I put them out there that they were too young to be on it :/

I could use chicken wire to divide the coop in half and the littles could have their own space for a week or two. I could even cover the deep litter in towels for the first bit...
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Blooie, the 6 week olds do not need heat. I made them a lovely huddle box and they just pile on top like they got used to with the MHP :p

I have a feeling they might choose to pile on top of the new MHP once it appears again.

The glad-wrapped towel is still wrapped and pristine so I'll just use it on top again. I was just reconsidering the flat, open backed design vs the cave this time. Since they're on deep litter it actually doesn't need to be adjustable since I/they can just dig deeper to still fit... I'm not sure how soon the chicks can go onto deep litter...last group was 3 weeks, I think, but someone commented when I put them out there that they were too young to be on it :/

I could use chicken wire to divide the coop in half and the littles could have their own space for a week or two. I could even cover the deep litter in towels for the first bit...

Do they have a roost? They naturally want to sleep up high so part of my setup is to make a chick roost available so they can sleep "up high" (18") as soon as they'd like.
I don't have enough time to search too much on thread right now. Can you guys tell me some of the ways you covered the top of heating pad? I have the pad covered in press and seal but I have 20 chicks that all want to sit on top. Right now I'm using cut up pieces of cheap walmart bath towels but its a mess. Thanks!
Do they have a roost? They naturally want to sleep up high so part of my setup is to make a chick roost available so they can sleep "up high" (18") as soon as they'd like.

debid, that's a really good point! They have some branches in there that they climb all over and rest on during the day, but almost every branch area is slanted in some way. There are natural 2x4 'shelves' higher than their box and I've seen them rest there during the day, but still return to a pile of friends at night on the top of the huddle box.

They are really laying out with necks stretched long on the top of the box...they look weird, but happy.

I'll add a roost tomorrow and then they'll have the option. Can they handle a 2" horizontal surface?

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