Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

Big girls laid in the new coop but went back to the old coop to sleep. I went out about 20 minutes ago and the door just shut on the new coop, so I moved the big girls over to the new coop to sleep. The old coop comes out of the run tomorrow so we'll see what happens tomorrow night. At least all is calm when I put them in with the little girls.
Yaayy for peace in the coop(s)!

@chickensarenew , Can you put up a couple of different pictures? I'd like to respond to you post but am having a hard time making out the pics. Is it just my old eyes? Sorry. Be patient with me - I'm old!
Yaayy for peace in the coop(s)!

, Can you put up a couple of different pictures?  I'd like to respond to you post but am having a hard time making out the pics.  Is it just my old eyes?  Sorry.  Be patient with me - I'm old!  :lau

I will take some in the morning. Might be better light.


Does this look good and critiques of the mhp? Chicks should be here any day this week :D:D:D

Chickensarenew, I can't tell what the MHP setup is. Will the chicks be able to actually touch their backs to the warm surface? The little cave will help trap their body heat a tiny bit if they crowd in there out of any breeze, but for the most part the MHP doesn't help ambient temps...the chicks actually touch it to warm up.

Does this look good and critiques of the mhp? Chicks should be here any day this week
Is that a wire basket for a frame? How are the chicks going to make contact with the pad? How are you going to adjust it as they grow? The two key elements of brooding chicks with this method are that the frame must be adjustable, and the chicks must be able to make contact with the pad.
Well, wish me luck. I'm opening the portal doors to the brooder today while I go out and do chores. That way I can keep an eye on things. Normally I don't even hesitate, but this batch of chicks has been anything but "usual" from the day they arrived and I'm sure they have a few more issues tucked under their little wings to spring on me.
good luck! and I had a question for you, is there a protocol for when one might use an MHP vs a wool hen?
Howdy y'all,

My chicks are two weeks old today, and they are doing great! Here is a picture of the dog crate I have the MHP set up in. As you can see, the coop itself is about a foot wider on each side, and there Is another two feet or so behind the crate. The door that opens into the enclosed run is toward the back of the coop on the left hand side. I open that door every morning, and close it at dusk. My question is, at what point do I remove the crate and give them the space of the entire coop? Once I do, should I keep opening the door to the run? It's supposed to be in the upper 60's to low 70's all this week, so I'm thinking I should keep them inside the crate for now. My biggest concern right now is that if I give them full run of the coop and they make their way outside, will they be able to find their way back up the ramp to the MHP if they get chilled? Thanks for all of the advice so far. You all ROCK!!


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