Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

Quote: Also, getting older chicks may introduce integration issues...even just 2 weeks can elude harmony.

Hover brooders aren't quite the same....there's the blaring light and radiant heat rather than contact heat.
Tho the 'sweeter heater' which uses contact heat has been around for more than a few years AFAIK.
Originally Posted by mobius

Yokel is a GREAT chicken name...this is so eggciting!

Green am clueless...(not a rare occurrence)...

Noob, EVERYONE knows what a Green Magnolia chicken is!

Um, I can't even find a reference on Google! Must be someone's "project" (not yet a) breed or something/

@bruceha2000 I found it!! I found it!!!

It is a new "specialty" breed on MyPetChicken....
. Looks like hatching eggs only AND they are ALL OUT!
Originally Posted by mobius

Yokel is a GREAT chicken name...this is so eggciting!

Green am clueless...(not a rare occurrence)...

Noob, EVERYONE knows what a Green Magnolia chicken is!

Um, I can't even find a reference on Google! Must be someone's "project" (not yet a) breed or something/

@bruceha2000 I found it!! I found it!!!

It is a new "specialty" breed on MyPetChicken....
. Looks like hatching eggs only AND they are ALL OUT!

The orps and astrolprps are from Cackle hatchery in Missouri. They deliver every Tuesday to our local farm supply that's just a few miles form our house. The marans are from Muddy Feathers Farm in West Fork, Ar. The guy from Muddy Feathers actually met Cheryl in town as they had a soccer game. Made for very quick trips for all the chicks.

Mom immediately loved the MHP idea and recognized the benefits of it as soon as she saw it, touched it and saw how they chicks reacted to it. And that is coming from a person that is VERY set in her ways to say the very least.

I don't think Cheryl will be voting for her babies to be down the street at my Mom's house any time soon. Mom can have her own babies at her house. It's not that big of a deal to setup up another brooder.

Women and their chickens.
This may have been mentioned but has anyone else used MHP for other birds? It will be a while before we expand enough for more livestock but I am already considering ducks and MAYBE guineas for the extra benefits they can add to our mini homestead.

It will work for ducks, guineas, turkeys. Probably even emu and ostrich if you have a big enough pad and cave

So would this be big enough for 25 chick's for 3 days? I am getting day old chicks shipped to arrive on Friday (hoping they come early) I just found out that we will be out of town for 2 days, Friday and Saturday, to come home Sunday (I love my husband, I love my husband
), so these will be tiny chick's.
SIL is going to come to check on them and replenish food and water. Once I am home I can easily see to their needs, get a bigger MHP. I can run to town today or tomorrow if I must but the only non autoshutoff pad I could find is an hour away....hate to drive all that just for a heating pad.
So, will this surfice for a couple of days or do I need to go get another pad....I need to make a road trip don't i....
This may have been mentioned but has anyone else used MHP for other birds? It will be a while before we expand enough for more livestock but I am already considering ducks and MAYBE guineas for the extra benefits they can add to our mini homestead.
Deb is planning to use it for her guineas, and I don't know of anything else, BP.....anyone else want to chime in?

BTW, we have a brand new little Cream Legbar in the family! Total bonus - did not expect any of those to make it! Those are still the only ones, but the day is young and hope springs eternal!
This may have been mentioned but has anyone else used MHP for other birds? It will be a while before we expand enough for more livestock but I am already considering ducks and MAYBE guineas for the extra benefits they can add to our mini homestead.
I have 2 BBB turkeys poults under it now.... in w/ 2 barred rock and 5CX (pigs with wings)
the only issue is the BBB pick on the CX feathers ends and take food out of all mouths
:woot  You are courageous! Are you just starting with Chickens and diving right in? I would guess that you need a lot of these, or some way to make a cave that is wide but shallow... you would still have to have several heating pads, but I haven't tried this yet! I think you need advice from @Blooie
Try a wire rack, with 2x4 supports running front to back. 2 or 3 XL heating pads. I had those numbers last year, and it worked great.

Personally, it was too many birds. My freezer is still 1/2 full. Lol

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