mandarin and wood ducks

Mandarins do u have an extra chromosome it is even approved by scientist that's why u don't see mandarin hybrids
What scientists? Several scientist I know of have documented mandarinxwood duck hybrids. Please, tell me where the karyotpes are showing how many chromosomes a wood duck has and how many a mandarin has. I know wher ethe lore has come from and have serious questions about the original data from looking at the paper and talking with avian gnetists about it. Please tell me where the actual information is.

I have never seen a mandarin hybrid andmandarins have been proven to have an extra choromasome so it is impossible to have a hybrid
I have never seen a mandarin hybrid andmandarins have been proven to have an extra choromasome so it is impossible to have a hybrid
I have never seen an atom...doesn't mean they don't exist. You obviously haven't read Bill Dilger's paper on mandarinxwood duck hybrids. Please, give me the reference for the "Proof" of the extra chromosome. I just want to evaluate the "proof" for myself.

I have never seen an atom...doesn't mean they don't exist. You obviously haven't read Bill Dilger's paper on mandarinxwood duck hybrids. Please, give me the reference for the "Proof" of the extra chromosome. I just want to evaluate the "proof" for myself.

If I was Dylan I would go on the attack and demand that you link to Bill Dilger's paper as well as show scientific proof of the Wood Duck x Mandarin hybrids existence along with the tests proving that Mandarins and Wood Ducks have the same number of chromosomes instead of listening to you demand proof of their non-existence. You already ran this flag up the pole and then walked away in an earlier post. If you are going to start a war then see it through man! Stirring the pot and then walking away is no fun at all for those of us on the sidelines, lets see a real scientific debate!
The other post -->
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Want to see the speak like you have.. Look at Y. Yayashina. 1952. Classification of the Anatidae based on the Cyto-genetics.Papers from the Coordinating Committee for Research in Genetics III:1-34. he actually says mandies have 2 extra chromosomes....Delacour (1964) interpreted as 1 that is what is parroted....looking at his karyotpes....I qam more inclined to believe they have there are no extra chromosomes....give me your interpretation...

I also would like to see your proof as I have heard this from plenty of breeders and there have been plenty of threads on this forum where this has been disputed before. If you type in "do mandarin ducks have an extra chromosome" on Google every site says that they indeed do, including many zoos and breeding facilities. I have personally seen a mandarin drake breed a wood duck hen and a wood duck drake breed a mandarin hen, all eggs were infertile. I have never seen or heard of a wood duck x mandarin hybrid and until you can prove that it is possible I will continue to go by the information that I have gotten from many other sources.

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