Mandarin questions! Talk to me people. :P

I am starting to think that and will probably end up doing one just for friends who want to keep up with what is going on at the farm!

I will jut be excited to have babies on the farm!! and in a few years once I have build by our big pond I might try my hand at keep some on open water.. I have a pintail hen that escaped before breeding season this year and I am now looking for a pinnioned drake to throw out there with her. We have lots of mallards, some buff and crested that stay on the pond. I tried catching her the other day since you can get within 2 feet of her if you don;t have a net in your hand and she tried to fly off.. I say try because she has gotten a little fat so she is slower.. Eating corn with the wild birds!!

I love the Mandarins.. I think we have 6 pair and 3 pairs of whites! They did the best bredding this year. but I am so tired of building boxes for all of them
We just did 30 in a weekend.. cut, nail, hang..
I agree,
you can move them without one, being on here or the GBWF , and advertise in those two magazines and you probabley wont be able to breed enough every year.
but mainly what I meant by .coms is the middle men, theres so many on there now that dont actually raise thier own birds, but just have breeders drop ship them. Those are the ones to watch for, it's pretty obvious on thier website prices, some private breeders are a touch high too, but you can usually tell if they are raised at the place in question or drop shipped by price alone. NONE of the big name hatcheries actually have these birds that I know of, and just take a look at what they charge.

I would build a site if you wanted too, shoot I have one, just be fair with your pricing, and you're good to go. They arent too expensive for good host sites. Think I pay around $150 a year for mine. Get a lot of traffic off it too.

Shawn, sorry for what?
You were pretty much dead on with my prices, LOL Except the white, but they vary a lot, they use to be $600+ 10 years ago, so people are still mixed there, but they are becoming common in the $110- $150 range. Still see some from time to time at that $300 area but very few, most are under $200 now in the magazines. Again, websites are usually different, dont know why??

But as for the never seen them on line below $200 before, well go to all of Linda's links on the other page, none are over $200 actually, only 3 actually list prices, Mallard Lanes and the second one are $130 for their whites, and the last guy is $200, but he's one of them $110 pr for normal guys too.

Had a lady give me 6 eggs this year actually off some of her whites!
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I am so mental on the whites.
Right when I was typing my friend I was on the phone talking to me about a white woodie female. Thats where I screwed up
YES white MANDERINS I agree with you kanga and Aubrey 125 spot on. Im so daft on that Ill hide my own easter eggs this year
Love your website BTW Boggy Bottum Bantams forever
Man Kanga yall was box building machines
We decided to get the normal male and two white females. Hopefully he will like both the ladies, regardless of colour!! I sure hope they brood some chicks come spring.

Since I will have two hens should we make two nesting boxes? I guess so, huh.

This weekend we build their enclosure. What do you guys do in the winter to give them swimming water? We have a kids pool but our hose basically freezes up come winter. I guess I could bring water from the house in buckets??
In the winter to keep hoses from freezing we throw them over a low limb of a tree or raise them up when we coil them to make sure all the water runs out. So far temperatures have been 17-19 at night here and i have a 600 gallon pond with a de-icer in it and i haven't had it ice over yet. Course its not all do to the de-icer, my SB pintails like to stay on it all night long and keep it stirred up.

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