

10 Years
Jun 29, 2009
Holy cow, I am in LOVE with this show!! Anybody else?

I love Mantracker himself, but I am admittedly a little smitten with his sidekick Curtis Hallock.

I have determined that I can't become 'prey' on the show because I'd do one of the following:
1. scream like a 9yo girl at a slumber party,
2. totally panic and run headlong into a tree,
3. get lost looking for the Denny's on the map,
4. stare gape-jawed at Curtis once they found me (10 feet from the starting line)
5. sit down on a log, giggling excitedly "Mantracker's coming!! I hear horses!!! How do I look? Do I have power bar bits on my mouth?"
6. relentlessly ask question after question of the camera crew,
7. lay down and cry after less than a quarter mile, lost or not,
8. accidentally set the forest on fire.

IF the show ever becomes desperate to need my services, I have been planning my flight. I'm thinking of training: walking to the mailbox and back at LEAST every other day, practicing bladder control, and ... hmm... that's all I got right now.
For tactics, I'll be dousing myself with deer scent, wearing a deer costume, and turning my cell phone to 'vibrate'. I'm toying with the idea of hiring one of those helicopter tours.

Any other ideas?
Oooh.. sounds like i need to check it out...
It's on Tuesday evenings on the Science Channel (Ch. 284 on DirectV). I don't know if cable HAS the Science Channel. BUT, it's also on youtube, just search 'Mantracker'. If you train enough, maybe you could go on the show with me, Redhen. I have reindeer antlers you can wear. We'll take the jingle bells off of them, if you want.
I love this show! I would love to be on this show either as prey or as Mantracker's sidekick. If they ever have a show by us--we have lots of state and federal land so it's not a stretch--I would try to see if I could be his guide since I condition my horse on those trails. I wouldn't mind being prey though!

I would not do the following

1. Put cute girlish things in the trees to throw Mantracker off

2. Run screaming into a river or lake while it is snowing

3. Brag that I have the ability to outwit Mantracker in the bush because I have some kind of office job

4. Spend much of my time walking down a fire lane, giggling that I will beat Mantracker and then totally panic and run headlong into a tree as soon as I hear hoofbeats

My DH asked if I could take him on and I said hell yes... if he didn't have the advantage of riding a horse! You bet I'd make it to the finish!

Although I have to admit I'd stick around long enough to see Eggs4sale fall apart at the seams..
Well I would not be the prey but I would not mind "bionic eared" horses of his......his horses has a sense of sound that they would not be able to find.

He does have a sense of humor at times....for some reason lately his shows were toned down the aggressiveness and nasty mouthed. A nice change!

And he likes females that can outlast him or outthink him! He appreciates them even more!
Maybe I could be the distraction for you while you skedaddled away. Although they probably wouldn't waste much time on me, just tossing me in the back of some passing truck and moving on.

And does your DH think HE can take on Mantracker?
My favorite episodes are when the cocky ones get taken down. Remember when the triathlon guy was belittling the hippie-ish postal worker gal, peeved that she was holding him back? And HE got caught and she won, despite sounding near death towards the end. That was a very satisfying episode.
Then there was those two guys in a band, and the one was giving a "We're not scared!" talk, followed immediately by his friend jumping out of his pants saying "What was that???", looking like the grim reaper was behind the nearest tree.
And the recent one, where the guy says "Don't do anything stupid." and his friend immediately walks face-first into a branch.

I don't know what would be funnier, michickenwrangler, me being prey or me being sidekick.

I notice all the prey seem to be tracked down in 'their' surroundings. If you live somewhere bleak and pathetic, do they let you go to the nearest forest, or would I be standing out in the Sonora Desert trying to hide behind a skinny ol' saguaro?

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