Many methods to Cull, Dispatch, providing a Humane Departure etc


10 Years
Oct 18, 2011
Australia - Southern Victoria
I have scanned high and low in BYC and other online resources regarding what method is best for ending the life of a sick/injured bird. (I have to do this myself with my bird for there first time and thought others might appreciate this nut shell version of methods).

Here are the main methods I have found:
  • Axe method on the chopping block, supporting the head/neck lined by two nails and one quick blow behind the wattles. Some tie the two legs beforehand - to then hang the deceased upside-down to drain, and to importantly control the body movement (so the chicken doesn't run around endlessly without the head, due to the nervous system reaction. I saw this as a child visiting my aunties farm. Not cool. Not recommended viewing for any age group). Ensure a sharp axe, and one sure blow does the job.
  • Old Testament method -slitting the throat of the animal - the link attached shows how the chickens feet are looped via a slip-not onto a branch or such. (A method to manage the birds body when the nervous system's reactions kick in - 40seconds maybe). The neck is held with one hand and sharp knife deals one cut through.
  • Others use modern measures of containing the nerve reaction by encasing the bird within a 'killing cone'. Feet upright while the narrow open end of the cone supports the shoulders while the head hangs out. This dazes the bird with ?the rush of blood to the head. They are apparently no unconscious but non-responsive - various people report various degrees of this. Some nations by law you have to stun the animal before using a killing cone (to slit their jugular). Other nations people don't stun the bird, they leave it hanging in the cone time enough for them to be dazed, and then slit the jugular and bleed the bird. Others use the cone and decapitate using sharp quick garden shears/tree loppers etc.
  • Others use a gassing method - I will let you explore this for yourself.
  • Others a gun to the head (ensure you facing the gun away for all others, as it goes through the chicken - safety of all is paramount).
  • Others break the neck with their hands/gloved hands.

Whatever the choice. It is not easy to kill or take life. But to relieve the suffering of a bird is humane. How to do it as humanely as possible is key, and without traumatising the bird or the humans involved. Arguable the final blow is very hard, but the containing of the nervous systems reaction and messing bloody situation if you do not needs to be taken into account amidst the loss, and grief whether you have named and petted your bird or not.

Prior to using whatever methods suits you best, plan how you are disposing of the deceased bird. Burying - where. Cooking - learn the technique or cleaning etc (see link above for this also). If contagious bird - how will you contain this when you are disposing of the bird.

Hope this helps others.
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