March 2017! Hatch with us!

We had a crooked beak one year. I'm a physical therapist so I decided to spend a few minutes a couple times a day trying to stretch the cartilage of that crooked beak to allow it to go back in place but never had any luck. It just got progressively worse and she had a harder and harder time eating. We finally had to cull her just to be humane. She was a sweet chick and hated to do it.
I'm terrible at following the hatching rules. I help and mess with them, probably too much.

I am also a helper. If there is a pip that has been there for more than 12 hrs I'll try to help start a zip. If the zip doesn't progress for about 12 hrs I go ahead and open the egg, but try to let the chick push itself out fully. I would think the pushing is good for their little legs. I work hard to keep the humidity up through all of this to protect the inner lining and make it easier for the chicks to hatch on their own. When I first started hatching I listened to those who pushed no interference and ended up losing several that probably would have survived if I'd intervened. So, I don't hesitate now, if I feel a need.
If the pip is over 24 hours I'll make sure it's open enough to get air inside then I'll wait but I'm impatient as heck and look every 3 to 5 minutes to see if any progress is happening when they are slow zipping like my discolored egg was on the inside I was worried that I'd loose it so I zipped it all the way being careful not to injure the chick I'm so afrai I'll harm it more than help but this one I'm sure I helped it !
One of my Marans has pipped but it's not making any noise. I see the beak open and close but not much movement and barely any wiggling. It has been like this since at least 6:30, so almost 2.5 hours. Waiting is so hard
Now this has been a crazy month for me I'm betting my hatch I started will not go still no signs but I did manage to hatch out the 10 from my bantam hen which was great! Now I'm helping a new hatch along but it's not chickens as soon as they hatch I'll send pics and my Easter eggs are arriving today so I'll be on time for the hatchalong Great news!! But why is my bedroom the dang maternity ward now??? lol I guess it's my maternal instincts kickin in but wait I thought that was just women's instincts?? Guess I'm more in touch with my feminine side than I thought lmbo
One of my Marans has pipped but it's not making any noise. I see the beak open and close but not much movement and barely any wiggling. It has been like this since at least 6:30, so almost 2.5 hours. Waiting is so hard

It is very hard, but please trust me that until they start to zip, early intervention causes far more problems than it solves. If it can get air, and it sounds like it with beak movement, then it is fine. They still have a lot of blood vessel and yolk absorption to do at this point. :)
I don't want to intervene that's for sure but wondering if I should grab the ones running around out?
We have been talking a lot about the auto sexing genetics of Cream Legbars, and so I thought I'd post the pics a breeder sent me to help clarify. Basically, females will have very clearly defined chipmunk markings. The boys may have a stripe, be solid light colored or a combination, with or without a head spot.


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