March 2017! Hatch with us!

I think it was on the chicken chick site... But I can't remember what article it was, something about too much of a good thing, I'll keep looking. I did find this regarding electrolytes: It recommends giving only plain water unless obviously distressed.... Edit: Oops, I've been doing it wrong- the sav-a chick website recommends discarding unused water after 48 hours... I can't find the 3 day guideline! Maybe it's something I made up in my head or read on a bottle. What I have found is that people usually don't give for more than a week.
I have lots of chicks. They are a bit crowded. I figure they are stressed more than a few chicks would be. So, I give a vitamin/electrolyte mix after their first week. I change their water every day - electrolytes one day, plain water the next, alternating for about 6 days. I repeat it every few weeks. That's only until they move outside. Then I only give it if they seem lethargic.

And here she is - our very first Cream Legbar! Welcome to Little Ranchland Farm, little one! I predict you will be just as spoiled as the rest out back!

Yay! The first of many
I have lots of chicks.  They are a bit crowded.  I figure they are stressed more than a few chicks would be.  So, I give a vitamin/electrolyte mix after their first week.  I change their water every day - electrolytes one day, plain water the next, alternating for about 6 days.  I repeat it every few weeks.  That's only until they move outside.  Then I only give it if they seem lethargic.    

Well let me know what I should get for electrolytes I need to get some for my next batch or two on the board I want the best outcome from the next two batches
I found that out now I'm wondering what will come out lol
And congrats and welcome lil one!!

I think Comets, Red Star, Goldens, etc are a White Leghorn cross - with either a New Hampshire or RIR - not sure what creates the genetics for the sex link. I know when I cross my female Barred Rocks with a dark colored bird, the barring gene is only transferred to the male offspring, identifiable at hatch.
Well I might be getting a couple RIR so I'll be ok there a newhamshire is a different story but I'll see how it goes think I'll let my summer with putting down on paper and marking my birds for a better outlook I have a better idea as to what breeds I have now if all goes well I'll be back up and going strong this summer with all the help and support I have gotten here already you guys and gals are awsome!
Congrats! It's Starting...
I love the brooder! I have had all of my ideas about what a brooder is "supposed to be" like, same with incubators. My favorites of both are the homemade ones. It takes such creativity and vision! I don't recognize, can you point out the heat source? are the 3 birds in the brooder in this pic?

I use a Brinesa EcoGlow brooder. It's sits to one side at the bottom. I love it! They're not exactly cheap, but I've had a couple of scares with heat lamps. The other nice thing about the EcoGlow is that the chicks tuck themselves under it like a broody hen, and come out to explore. I find it prepares them better for moving to the big coop as opposed to being under a lamp all the time. It's kind of like hardening off plants you started indoors. It's harder to control temp with a heat lamp. With this brooder set up, the chicks also start roosting pretty early, usually 2-3 weeks. It's cute to watch them learn. The chicks in that photo are BCM. That photo is from a couple of years ago.

I have 2 chicks this morning! No idea if I have any more pips. The 2 chicks have been playing soccer!
Nope: One day! Except the herb garden/green roof was a couple weeks ago... I can't believe it either! My back is still messed up! And this morning I finished it off by cleaning up my garden beds for Spring planting and transplanted my overwintered strawberries back into their pallet. Ugh. Went to girl scouts and came home to find we had accidentally left the dogs outside and they were digging in one of the beds and threw dirt all over! :barnie Not too bad though. I seriously need to brainstorm stronger fencing ideas to keep the dogs and chickens out of the veggie beds... Something that lasts longer than one year... My idea is to use old fence boards cut to 3.5 ft to make posts and then staple/reuse the chicken wire to them... But I'm going to need some kind of middle rail. I wonder if I can find 8ft 1x1's... Hmm. I'll let you guys know how it works.

@yeye5 I would think tomorrow you would give plain water. If you are worried maybe give them some scrambled eggs too. I've only used electrolyte as a preventative. I had the packets and kind of eyeballed it and then switched to regular water after they finish it or 3 days whichever is faster...

If you can't find 8' 1x1s you can always buy 8' 2x whatever you choose and rip them to 11/2"x 1".
My final hatch of EEs are due to hatch this weekend. It will be interesting to say the least seems how we here in Michigan have lost power several times this week. I have read the horror stories about folks who've had this issue, and I found myself thinking man I'm glad I haven't had that happen to me. Then bang here came the wonderful winds and knocked out our power for 3 days. I did get the generator hooked up and the incubator was at 80 degrees at that point. So we will see how it effects the last hatch. I waited till yesterday to lock them down so fingers crossed
we shall see how many make it out.
I also have a question. I've read where I shouldn't allow the Roos of this hatch breed the pullers of this batch? They say I could breed the pullets back to their father seems how all the chicks have the same father, but that's not possible. So I was thing about getting a new bloodline roo to breed them obviously later. I was wondering if I purchased an Americana would that help the blue gene of the EEs?
My final hatch of EEs are due to hatch this weekend. It will be interesting to say the least seems how we here in Michigan have lost power several times this week. I have read the horror stories about folks who've had this issue, and I found myself thinking man I'm glad I haven't had that happen to me. Then bang here came the wonderful winds and knocked out our power for 3 days. I did get the generator hooked up and the incubator was at 80 degrees at that point. So we will see how it effects the last hatch. I waited till yesterday to lock them down so fingers crossed
we shall see how many make it out.
I also have a question. I've read where I shouldn't allow the Roos of this hatch breed the pullers of this batch? They say I could breed the pullets back to their father seems how all the chicks have the same father, but that's not possible. So I was thing about getting a new bloodline roo to breed them obviously later. I was wondering if I purchased an Americana would that help the blue gene of the EEs?

Yes, if you breed a true Ameracauna over your EEs, that will assure the blue gene. I'm actually thinking of switching over to an Ameracauna roo myself. I keep a Cuckoo Marans roo with a mixed flock of Marans, Ameraucanas, EEs, and OEs.

I hope your hatch turns out ok! Power issues are so stressful, but thank goodness you have a generator.

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