March 2017! Hatch with us!

HI WV!!! Always love to hear from you. Not sure on any girls yet. The four that hatched in the incubator had an interesting development - they are about 4 weeks old now - three developed hock feathering way before the 4th. Those three are definitely males. However, they have more cochin traits. The one without the early hock feathering is more silkie, is it just a later developer? The body mannerisms on that one are more fingers crossed I have one girl. Watching the three that hatched under then hen - 2 weeks old now - to see how their hocks feather out.
I'm courious as to what my new chicks will look like they are a cross between a gray Cochin and my dutch bantam they have feathers on the legs but colored just like Moma. And what if someone ask me the breed a Dutch cochin or a Cochin Dutchie lol and yes I have 8 chicks from my rescue of the abandoned nest! I'm so happy
I'm courious as to what my new chicks will look like they are a cross between a gray Cochin and my dutch bantam they have feathers on the legs but colored just like Moma. And what if someone ask me the breed a Dutch cochin or a Cochin Dutchie lol and yes I have 8 chicks from my rescue of the abandoned nest! I'm so happy

...and in other news...
Somebody dropped a little Dutch Bantam off in our Tractor Supply parking lot yesterday. I was loading yet another 50lb bag of chick starter into my car, and an animal control van pulled up. The officer asked if I had seen a loose chicken. I hadn't, but of course I was now curious. Soon after, a gentleman in slacks and a tie spotted it. Between the three of us, we attempted to catch that wiley little hen with no luck - the whole whole time the guy in the tie and I debating about which one of us would get to take her home (who has the best set up for comfortable quarantining until we know what's up with her health came up too... I'm sure the animal control guy thought we were both nuts!) Anyway, none of us were able to catch her, so the officer decided he would wait until dusk and try again. He gave me his card (tie guy didn't get one...hah!). I'll give him a call today and see how he fared last night!
Hay can mold - had that problem. I've used straw and cut it up into 3 - 4 inch pieces and that definitely cut down on the dust. Initially, I had poopy feet so I mixed some shavings into the straw and it worked well for me.

Dust and chicks - go hand in hand.

Oops I meant straw... Thanks, seems I'll just have to learn to live with it! Haha
Jeff actually makes sure his eggs are fertile before shipping, and won't ever send you old eggs. He's a good egg
Haha, a good egg, indeed! So glad I ordered from him.
...and in other news...
Somebody dropped a little Dutch Bantam off in our Tractor Supply parking lot yesterday. I was loading yet another 50lb bag of chick starter into my car, and an animal control van pulled up. The officer asked if I had seen a loose chicken. I hadn't, but of course I was now curious. Soon after, a gentleman in slacks and a tie spotted it. Between the three of us, we attempted to catch that wiley little hen with no luck - the whole whole time the guy in the tie and I debating about which one of us would get to take her home (who has the best set up for comfortable quarantining until we know what's up with her health came up too... I'm sure the animal control guy thought we were both nuts!) Anyway, none of us were able to catch her, so the officer decided he would wait until dusk and try again. He gave me his card (tie guy didn't get one...hah!). I'll give him a call today and see how he fared last night!

Oh they can escape anything best little escape artist I have seen and they fly pretty good too. I thought when I put up my bird run that 7 ft was high enough well my coop is about 2 1/2 ft taller what does she do to get out?? Flies up to the top of the coop and walks to my hebother side then jumps off!!!! Showed me who's boss!! Then I look for her at night around in the trees where is she at? On the roost in the coop laughing at me for stumbling around in the dark chasing snipes!! She is still my little baby tho!! And I admire her spunk
I just hatched out 8 of my EEs, finished hatching this morning, washed out the little Brinsea and loaded her back up with 24 brown laying eggs that I got from my local farmers market. These have been refrigerated, but are only a couple of days old so I'm going to give it a try. Hopeful hatch date is 4/5. Just an experiment to see if they develop after refrigeration. I've seen some threads that say they here goes....
I just hatched out 8 of my EEs, finished hatching this morning, washed out the little Brinsea and loaded her back up with 24 brown laying eggs that I got from my local farmers market.   These have been refrigerated, but are only a couple of days old so I'm going to give it a try.  Hopeful hatch date is 4/5.   Just an experiment to see if they develop after refrigeration.   I've seen some threads that say they here goes....

Quite a lot of BYCers refrigerate their eggs before incubating with great results!

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