March 2017! Hatch with us!

Day 14... 9/14 viable eggs... I removed the 5 last night that were yolkers and seemingly had never started as I could see the yolk through the shells. I was even able to identify one BCM with a visible yolk inside and no development... It seemed to become easier to see through compared with the 2 viable BCMs. Alright 1 more week to go, woohoo!

So this is what I'm left with:


Mostly OEs... I hope they have feathered feet! Curious to see what they'll look like... Really hoping the blue EE is a girl! I need a real blue layer! My broody EE that was laying tinted blue has returned to laying from her break- greenish tint! Agh
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Yep....real cuties! :)

"That's a crazy hard thick shell! What is an ISA?
Do you know of any other breeds with that kind of shell? OEs?
Just trying to learn and I Am learning so much here."

ISA is an ISA Brown( a hybrid developed by Ideal) though mine were who knows hatchery version of ISA's that I bought at the feed store last year in desperation...I absolutely did not want roosters and as chicks, ISA pullets are reddish brown and white and cockerels are yellow. I bought four knowing I had guaranteed myself four future little egg laying machines and they are. Also friendly inquisitive little hens but their egg shells are INCREDIBLY hard. I didn't think about that when I gathered their eggs along with the others to incubate. It was midway through when I was researching possible colors I could get that I read ISAS don't get bred a lot because of that hard shell being a problem for the chicks. And that proved to be true.
Currently have a broody sitting on about 10 eggs. Today is day 7 and I can see some veins developing
This is my first hatch and they'll be a bunch of mutts
And your little running smiley face def says you love your mutts. They are some of the very best, I agree.
Broodies are awesome. Keep us posted for sure!
End of day no sign of life yet in my batch I'm waiting till tuesday to clean it out and try again.
Today is day 23 is it not?
I know I'm a long-egg-leaver...give it maybe a day past tomorrow?
Since they're in lockdown it doesn't help with candling. That's frustrating.
Is there any way to do a very quick candline even with eggs that are in lockdown? Or is that just like asking for the final straw to mess them up?

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