March 2017! Hatch with us!


I got lil bumblebees!! I got 5 so far. This is a really bad hatch and I'm not sure what's wrong. I think the source of he eggs I got may have accounted for a lot but so far I had 7 hatch, 2 were dead this morning in incubator and one was pipping and died in egg. Humidity has been between 52-65% and I'm at 99.2-100 degrees on my thermometers.
But I have 10 eggs left with 3 more pipped but 2 have been pipped since 7 this morning. Resisting urge to help but I am confused what's going wrong here. Started out with 36 eggs, 21 went into lockdown but 3 were quitters plus 2 more I think so at Most maybe 5 more chicks I'm guessing. 5/36 is the worst hatch ever

I got lil bumblebees!! I got 5 so far. This is a really bad hatch and I'm not sure what's wrong. I think the source of he eggs I got may have accounted for a lot but so far I had 7 hatch, 2 were dead this morning in incubator and one was pipping and died in egg. Humidity has been between 52-65% and I'm at 99.2-100 degrees on my thermometers.
But I have 10 eggs left with 3 more pipped but 2 have been pipped since 7 this morning. Resisting urge to help but I am confused what's going wrong here. Started out with 36 eggs, 21 went into lockdown but 3 were quitters plus 2 more I think so at Most maybe 5 more chicks I'm guessing. 5/36 is the worst hatch ever

Raise your humidity? 65-70% the goal at lockdown I think.

I got lil bumblebees!! I got 5 so far. This is a really bad hatch and I'm not sure what's wrong. I think the source of he eggs I got may have accounted for a lot but so far I had 7 hatch, 2 were dead this morning in incubator and one was pipping and died in egg. Humidity has been between 52-65% and I'm at 99.2-100 degrees on my thermometers.
But I have 10 eggs left with 3 more pipped but 2 have been pipped since 7 this morning. Resisting urge to help but I am confused what's going wrong here. Started out with 36 eggs, 21 went into lockdown but 3 were quitters plus 2 more I think so at Most maybe 5 more chicks I'm guessing. 5/36 is the worst hatch ever

We will start a club. :p
I did determine that after lots of hatching, I don't think my hygrometer is working correctly any more and my humidity was too low, causing them to be able to pip internally, but then not get through the tough shell. Humidity definitely helps relax the construct of the shell.
Just had my first chick hatch!! First hatch done in this incubator. Didn't think it would work out since it got up to 104 then dropped to 97. Blue copper French marans. Its ok that it will bump around all the other eggs?

Yep. It's what they do. I call it rearranging the furniture!
We will start a club. :p
I did determine that after lots of hatching, I don't think my hygrometer is working correctly any more and my humidity was too low, causing them to be able to pip internally, but then not get through the tough shell. Humidity definitely helps relax the construct of the shell.

I agree one already is shot cause it says 22% always lol but the other 2 might be going too

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