March 2017! Hatch with us!

I have 3/8 hatched with 2 more almost out and #6 pipped. This is a much better hatch than last week. I think it all came down to humidity and opening the bator too much
Shipped eggs did better than the local eggs...hmmmmm... must have been due my mistakes
Last count 7/9, not sure about the last 2... My guess is they might not have been viable, I couldn't see anything when candling. Left em in the bator just in case... 2 BCMs 2 EEs and 3 OEs... The OEs are yellow with yellow feathered feet! Here are a couple...


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Where is the head slap emoji! Why have I never used the excuse that at least I can sell a few eggs and chicks. The dogs just cost us money! Omg I love you. :gig
The 40 has 2 20 trays in it? Sounds like an ideal solution.

I have 2 Octagon 20s, an Eco and an EX. Yesterday the Eco's fan started making the weirdest noise! Luckily my duck eggs had vacated the EX, so I quickly just swapped halves. Put the EX top on the Eco bottom with the eggs in it.

Cleaned the Eco, and it was just full of fluff, I suppose. Seems to be working fine. I don't hatch in it, but I guess from the chicks being in that room, it had drawn alot in.

It's funny, I've used the cat, dogs and fish excuse too often....they don't buy it anymore.

That is awesome you could swap covers. Perfect timing. And yes, there are 2 trays in the 40 and they LOOK the same as the 20. Tomorrow is the day I find out.
They're here! A wonderful, wonderful first hatching adventure! They came right on time and hatched one after another. Though I was nervous, they all did what they needed to for textbook pipping, zipping, and hatching. 4/4 hatched, and it was a magical experience!

They're here! A wonderful, wonderful first hatching adventure! They came right on time and hatched one after another. Though I was nervous, they all did what they needed to for textbook pipping, zipping, and hatching. 4/4 hatched, and it was a magical experience!
Those are some darling littles!! I'm so happy they all hatched!!! Awesome job! :woot
It's funny, I've used the cat, dogs and fish excuse too often....they don't buy it anymore.

That is awesome you could swap covers. Perfect timing. And yes, there are 2 trays in the 40 and they LOOK the same as the 20. Tomorrow is the day I find out.

In our family, it's the old cars - they eat gas and constantly need parts and then...then.... they don't even pop out a breakfast out of that exhaust pipe!!

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