March Hatch A Long... anyone with me??

Set 11 Coturnix Quail eggs today and setting Sumatra, Serama, Legacy of Peepers(Peepers was my first hen), and some of mom's Cornish/Rock eggs. The birds are 1st gen. Cornish/Rocks and they actually become productive chickens with huge breasts and giant eggs.
I set my Black, Blue and as a surprise a couple Splash Ameraucana eggs Monday. The breeder was so nice and his birds were gorgeous
, especially his one blue wow...I really should have taken my camera.
Also, I told him I only wanted 24 eggs...he insisted I take 28 and then only charged me for 22....he was super nice.

When I got home, I discovered that they all fit in my Brinsea and I had room for 4 additional eggs: two Barnevelder and two from my blue Andalusian girls, who are courted by a bantam wheaten ameraucana (my daughter is very excited to see what these could end up looking like). Fingers are crossed and I will try to candle early next week
So, my official countdown to more fuzzy butts is underway...tick....tock....tick.

As an added DH is becoming infected with chicken fever (he loves the maran chicks we just hatched) and is going to build me a second coop
So true!!! Trying to get the temps high enough, but not too high... plus I have an old style egg turner, and the cups keep tipping over with the eggs in them... that CAN'T be good...

Looking forward to (hopefully) hatching with you!!!
I am hand turning and the washing of the hands - i will be stressed with really dry hands! LOL i am turning three times a day but i hear some turn only twice?
wow, Im so glad the bator Im borrowing has an egg turner! its bad enough watching the temp/humidity all the time, I caved and candled at day 5 today, still cant tell anything, somethings there, but even looking at awesome candling pics on here still dont know what the heck Im seeing! DH keeps saying patience, patience....
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I will join, I just put in the Bator 24 LF Buckeye and 4 LF RIR Rose Comb from my own flock, I want them to hatch by the time my Chantecellor and Buckeye's come that I ordered which the 7th of March is ship day, so here we go!!! Happy Hatching to all!!
Oh God, I had serious probems with the Internet the last 2 days and I can't even tell you how badly I wanted to be able to read this thread again
I can see there's so much going on here
and you lot are so obsessed (like me)

Anyway, it's been 96 hours so 4 full days and all the eggs (12) are fertile
(I've just candled). Some of the "spiders" look smaller than others though. But they're all deffinitely growing

I am hand turning 2-3 times per day. Temps are steady, I don't check humidity.

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