Marek's disease


8 Years
May 6, 2011
Las Cruces, NM
Anyone know of any treatment, no matter how "alternative", for a hen w/Marek's? I read about one where you administer St.John's Wort tablet mixed w/one T of distilled water, give approx 10 drops to chicken every 12 hours.

Anyone tried this or anything else? Furthermore, anyone had a chicken survive Marek's?

(don't know for sure it is Marek's until blood test comes back next week, but this is what the vet thinks right now).
I haven't used St John's Wort but I am using Hypericum 30. You can search it on here....

I've been treating an OEGB since the beginning of November and she has made progress towards recovery. She is the only one. I attribute that to the fact that she had been immunized at the hatchery. Good luck with your hen and I hope that the test does not come back positive!
A very knowledgeable member on the forum said that giving a capsule of cranberry can help. It is available in health food stores and where vitamins are sold. (It is just cranberry powder in a gel cap). It is used for human urinary tract infections.

I lost a pullet to Mareks 11-weeks ago. I hope your hen doesn't have it. Best wishes for her recovery.
Thank you for the responses! I thought Hypercium was another name for St John's Wort but apparently not. Rather I see it is a homeopathic remedy made from St. John's Wort.

So, I ordered some Hypercium 30 on Amazon- they didn't have any at our local health food co-op. Maybe I should take the St. John's Wort myself as I have been upset the last couple days over this hen, and fearing what might happen to my flock, and also the flock of a nice person to whom I re-homed a few of my Swedish Flower Hen chicks.


May try cranberry in the interim as it may take awhile to ship the hypercium. Chickat, I am very sorry for your loss.

Also, I am giving infant vitamins (PolyViSol) 2-3 drops, applied to side of beak, just in case it isn't Marek's but a riboflavin deficiency, which I hear can cause similar symptoms.

Gosh I want this hen to live. I really like her- she's a sweetheart, and she's pretty, and she's a hen.

Thanks again folks!
FYI...I'm not sure how much you paid for your Hypericum but you can have your local GNC order it for you and it is $1.32 per bottle! I'm calling to order more today :)
I use 1 TBSP of Distilled Water...and dissolve the tablet in that. For my bantams, I use 5 drops...for my LF 10 drops. It took quite some time to see improvement. I dissolve a fresh tablet twice daily. Good luck!!!
I am fighting what maybe Marek's now. One bird appears to be recovering. If nutrition can at least reduce severity of condition, then using foods rich in nutrients maybe at least as effective as vitamin supplements. In addition to layer pellets, my charges are receiving a mixture of dark fruit (bluebarries ~ cranberries), dark leafy greens, olive oil, smelt (a type of fish), BOSS, scratch, baby parrot food, cooked wholegrain rice and sweet potato, and extra grit.

As applied looks like this.
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