Marek's vs. perosis - please help

Thank you everyone. I'm off to look for some more vitamins. Her legs are definitely stronger from the exercises and she pushes against my hand. I am hoping there is some miracle because she is so sweet. Of note the symptoms started shortly after she was allowed to free range so the wild bird theory might be the case if it is Marek's. They all swoop down to eat the goodies in the pasture.
Thank you everyone. I'm off to look for some more vitamins. Her legs are definitely stronger from the exercises and she pushes against my hand. I am hoping there is some miracle because she is so sweet. Of note the symptoms started shortly after she was allowed to free range so the wild bird theory might be the case if it is Marek's. They all swoop down to eat the goodies in the pasture.
Vitamins sure won't hurt.

No links.....Read up on Mereks.....Wild bird carry it.....Having a Wild Bird feeder in our yards brings in the disease......If they are carriers.....It can come in on our shoes...Car tires...Wildlife.....etc.......

If what you're saying is that wild birds can physically bring it, as in transporting dust and dander from infected chickens, that I believe, but I don't think that they can shed the virus.

I'm just heading out to combine...but I'll throw in that the curled toes (I think someone mentioned curled toes) is much like the pics of Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency. I think most vitamins have it in...but I just wanted to mention that.

Hard to see any of the chickies having such difficulties, regardless of what they are. I am really hoping that it's not Mareks for you.

And that your chicky responds.
Thank you everyone. I'm off to look for some more vitamins. Her legs are definitely stronger from the exercises and she pushes against my hand. I am hoping there is some miracle because she is so sweet. Of note the symptoms started shortly after she was allowed to free range so the wild bird theory might be the case if it is Marek's. They all swoop down to eat the goodies in the pasture.
Here is a good link to read:

When I get one that looks neurological like your pullet does, I treat for all the easily treatable stuff, like coccidiosis, worms, and vitamin deficiencies. Both coccidiosis and/or worms can cause similar symptoms, so that's why I treat for those.

A sad update, I discovered one of those feather follicle tumors when I was cleaning her. I guess it's time to do the right thing for her. Thanks for all your support. I will vaccinate any new chicks in the future.
A little over 2 weeks ago I sent one of my girls to UC Davis, in CA, for necropsy. Results came in as Mareks. I was not expecting that because the chicks were supposed to have been inoculated for it from the supplier. My girls have morphed into being pets and it has been very hard on me. I have another that started exhibiting signs of Mareks yesterday. She is stumbling around like she's drunk. She still has an appetite, but does not drink very much and I have been doing probiotics with a syringe. I called UC Davis a little while ago & talked with a doctor. She said it's not likely my girl can pull out of it, but there's a tiny chance. If anybody's out there that knows of a good all-round vitamin brand, please let us know. Thanks

Newchickiemom: Sorry to hear. They have such sweet personalities and when they leave it tears your heart out.
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