MarineCorpFarmr Egg BOMB, A new Beginning! Follow along in his journey to a new flock!

The turkeys are fertile! Everything laid since the 22nd is developing. Apparently Benny figured out which end of the hen was

MCF-If I can locate a ride to the PO tomorrow you will have a bunch of slate/palm & pure slate going out, a few ancona duck & a bunch of rainbow layers. Not sure how many of each. I'll collect tomorrow morning to go with everything here. There are over a dozen turkey eggs but the anconas are slacking this week. I have like 5 dozen rainbow layers sitting here that didn't fit in my bator & didn't get eaten, all under a week old. So I will see how many I can wiggle into a box without breaking.

Darn polish & calls are all still clear. Will be sticking my cream legbar roo in with the polish tomorrow to see if we can get some crested EE with

Awesome :)
testing went well. Glad its done tho. Got a 3rd ewe dropped off last night and a pygmy goat lol.
up to 3 goose eggs now. Have them in the bator so fingers crossed lol
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Shipped your bomb box today but tracking is in my purse & I just took pain pills & crawled into bed so will hafta get it later. Sent the following:
8 Ancona duck, blue & black flock
18 Rainbow Layers, all roos carry blue/green gene
20 Turkeys, Blue Slate tom over 2 Blue Slate & 2 Royal Palm hens, should produce black, blue slate, lavender, mottled black & mottled blue. Mottleds bred to each other or back to palm then produce blue & lavender palms.

I just hatched 26/39 set (4 infertile, 1 pipped & quit, 8 that quit before lockdown.
Another long day of fencing and running wires. Size of the temp pen deff needs to be increased tho. Acquired a pygmy goat now lol.. but yeah working on getting some more fence to get up and enlarge the pen.

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