MarineCorpFarmr Egg BOMB, A new Beginning! Follow along in his journey to a new flock!

Lord, you're all making this so hard....

Quote: [COLOR=800080]Those are what I wanted the most, but I've read that they really need a pond to upkeep those beautiful feathers, so I ruled them out:/ Then I wanted Toulouse...but I read they can be fiercly protective, and not so great for kids (even though some people say their great)....Pomeranian's were noted for the aggression, so that left me with American Buffs which are friendly, and the Pilgrims, which are friendly & auto sexing, so I'm going to go with them. I guess I'll be ordering hatchery because I've placed ads to see if anyone's hatching them around me and not a peep. The closest I found was a 2 hr. drive.[/COLOR]
I will be hatching buffs & can ship if need be.

I will keep that in mind Silkie thank-you. I'm still hoping for the Pilgrims...I like the idea of the white blue eyed drake, and buff female's.
Video Surveillance UP AND RUNNING!! Chicks don't know whats going on ha ha ha!!

I am technologically impaired..What the heck is this contraption??
I just set 54 eggs. 54. Fifty four. My husband is in the process of trying to not have a litter of kittens while driving through Pa. Bwahaha. Now if the power doesn't go out I should be good. for a while....

Well, I am pretty sure I SWORE I would NEVER tetris stack again as it was a very stressful hatch having a top layer of eggs in my Octagon 20. In fact, I think I just said that yesterday.

But I found a Rhodebar egg in the nest today!
How could I NOT set it?
My hatch is complete! time to clean the bator and move some eggs from the styro to the coolerbator!

Kids are home from school so who knows if I get time now arggggggggg!! Darn weather this year!!

WAIT just WAIT until I take pics of the cutest chick EVER and guess what!!

Its a Americana under the CCL roo!! She has the chipmunk and eye liner but OMGAWD wait till you see her, I hatched two!! one is a tad darker than the other but amazing chicks that will lay amazing eggs!!! we have been eating all her eggs because I didnt know if I could sell Americana!

Lord, you're all making this so hard....

Quote: [COLOR=800080]Those are what I wanted the most, but I've read that they really need a pond to upkeep those beautiful feathers, so I ruled them out:/ Then I wanted Toulouse...but I read they can be fiercly protective, and not so great for kids (even though some people say their great)....Pomeranian's were noted for the aggression, so that left me with American Buffs which are friendly, and the Pilgrims, which are friendly & auto sexing, so I'm going to go with them. I guess I'll be ordering hatchery because I've placed ads to see if anyone's hatching them around me and not a peep. The closest I found was a 2 hr. drive.[/COLOR]
I will be hatching buffs & can ship if need be.

I will keep that in mind Silkie thank-you. I'm still hoping for the Pilgrims...I like the idea of the white blue eyed drake, and buff female's.
Video Surveillance UP AND RUNNING!! Chicks don't know whats going on ha ha ha!!

I am technologically impaired..What the heck is this contraption??
baby monitor silly!! I was worried about the heat lamp going on the month old chickies in the grow out pen!! now I can check from the house! I wasnt using it so what the heck! works awesome and its a darn chick cam!! kids love it!!

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