Mario is a daddy!

CONGRATS on the babies!!! They are just adorable! And you are right, having the mom around makes it so much easier! LOL I just recently had a Silkie chick hatch and I really didn't have to do much except provide the food and water at a reachable did everything else!

(And to think how I fretted over my first batch of day olds a few years ago...their brooder was pristine, perfect temperature level, water crystal clean, fluffly shavings to sleep in and now this baby is pecking in the dirt! DIRT!! AHHH!!!

It's like when you first have a baby and you try and do everything perfect and you wash everything before giving it to baby, but by the 2nd and 3rd kid....if it drops it's ninny, you wipe it on your shirt tail and pop it back in their mouth! LOLOL!)

Best of luck w/ your chicks!!

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