marking eggs


9 Years
May 5, 2010
I'm just getting into hatching purebreed chicks. What can I use to mark the eggs with breed/date/etc? Can I use a permanent marker? I don't know why I can't find a pencil- actually I'm pretty sure my chi puppy stole them but I can't find where she hid them.
get a pencil.If you cannot afford a pencil,Ill mail a box of em to you.A permanent marker will kill em.An egg is will seep into the shell as a toxin.

dollar general is a good source to by pencils.

I can afford pencils, but thanks for offering. Was just hoping I wouldn't have to go and buy some but I guess I will tonight.
I use permanent marker all the time. The very fine ones. I can see the mark better and the markings don't show on the inside of the shell. Permanent marker won't rub off under a hen either (I have very good hatch rates (on my own eggs, I don't usually mark shipped eggs ... maybe I need to!).

Permanent markers won't hurt them. But if you are uncomfortable with it, use pencil
Just an addition

I just checked my markers and both my BIC Mark-It and my Sharpie fine point are labeled as nontoxic. So I'd look to see that the marker is nontoxic, and if it is, go for it.
I have sharpies. Lots and lots of different colored sharpies that I hide so I don't lose them or have DH set them down somewhere where Dizzy can get to them.

Funny story-
My chi puppy- Dizzy- is 5 months old. Yesterday we were outside painting the new pheasant pen (barn red of course). Dizzy decided that she REALLY liked the paintbrushes (wooden) and kept stealing it if I put it down for even a second. Do you have any idea what she looked like? I'll give you a clue- barn red looks just like blood on a tan chihuahua. She looked like a little vicious piranha that had annihilated something. Boy was bathtime fun last night!!!! Apparently water is bad but blood red paint is okay to have all over you. lol

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