Maryland Poultry Swap and Farmers Market JUNE 16th 2012 SHARPSBURG, MD 8-2pm **SHOW CLINIC**

I wish I could've thought to grab the camera around 8 or 9 when more people were there. These were taken around 10:30 after things died down a bit.

When the day is done and every single vendor (except the flower lady:( did very well and many sold out and they come and tell me what a wonderful, fun, successful day they had, it just brings a smile to my face. I work so hard to make these events perfect. It's very difficult to bring the same amount of buyers and sellers together. Shoppers want an array of choices and sellers want an array of shoppers. I think it worked yesterday. ...And, I think I can retire as Swap Queen... LOL

Seeya again in September!
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I wish I could've thought to grab the camera around 8 or 9 when more people were there.  These were taken around 10:30 after things died down a bit.  

When the day is done and every single vendor (except the flower lady:( did very well and many sold out and they come and tell me what a wonderful, fun, successful day they had, it just brings a smile to my face.  I work so hard to make these events perfect.  It's very difficult to bring the same amount of buyers and sellers together.  Shoppers want an array of choices and sellers want an array of shoppers.  I think it worked yesterday.   ...And, I think I can retire as Swap Queen...  LOL   

Seeya again in September!
When in Sept? Thx
probably the 2nd or 3rd weekend but, I'd like to get with some of the vendors first and make sure most of them can make it.. TAMMY
Thanks for putting this all together. This was the first one when my family had a weekend when we could all go. We had a great time. Everyone in the family enjoyed it and walked away with something. As for the next one, it's looking positive we may have some of our own to sell, poultry and rabbits.
Thanks again for putting together such a great event!
Aaaaaaghhhhh! Wailing and gnashing of teeth. I was sick and couldn't make it! Reyvaughn are you getting enough eggs to sell some still? It's the ameraucanas I was after... Sigh. I wanted w, BW in ameraucanas and Marans... Instead I got a monster ear ache.

There's always Sept. but I miss my chickens! Sigh. :(

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