Maryland Poultry Swap & Farmer's Market October 1st 9-3 SHARPSBURG

It will be nice to put a face with the names on here. And the starting at 9 will give us newbies a chance to get the feel of what is happening.
nope no list of what breeds and such just what you may find.
looked back a few post she is trying to work on a list of what will be there.
Maybe all the breeders/sellers that are on here could post what they will have to bring so Erin could get a list going amd posted easier.
just a thought.
Hey guys, no list
I haven't heard much from people and have been super busy. I handed out some flyers today at the Heritage Festival in Sharpsburg and there was a fella who had a petting zoo with some pretty ducks and polish. I gave him a flyer and he said he's been trying to get off of work that day because he missed the spring one too but, that he knows for sure a few friends of his who are coming.. one bringing golden pheasants, lady amhersts and quail and another bringing lots of backyard banties and some laying hens. I think it's like the Chickenstocks started getting where everyone already knows the ropes and just show up. I have posted a few things on the facebook page as I heard them.

so... it will be a surprise
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Whitcochinlvr, we are having a Show Clinic and master exhibitor/breeder and poultry judge, Tom Roebuck will be doing the judging. He's talk about things like selective breeding and how to find shows, how to condition your birds for the show and things like that. He will also be available for personal critiques of your birds and what you should be culling for. It's $4 per bird and all proceeds go to support the Virginia Breeders Association to thank them for Tom's support.

If you'd like to enter, contact Tammy (Majestic Lane Poultry) here on BYC. She's commented on this thread several times so you may just have to scroll back a few pages. She's also on a vacation right now and may not get back with you until she gets back.

I was wondering if any of you lovely BYC members could help me out. I was wondering if anyone had an extra pop-up canopy I could use to set up under? I have a few birds to bring and some horse tack.
heard about some stuff today.. this one fella who has a ton of tools is bringing some and lawnmowers, leaf blowers, chain saws, etc.. all reconditioned and cheap. I thought this may help in the husband dept.

We also have more coops for the coop tour, some more orps, mixed layers, golden pheasants and quail... I think we'll have a slightly larger turnout than before.. seems everyone wants to unload before winter.

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