MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Waiting for my 5 turkey eggs to show me some signs of life.. hatch date is supposed to be Friday.. My first time hatching turkeys I hope I got it right...They all 5 were fertile and developed so crossing my fingers...
Well, with heart pounding I took up the flashlight after we got home from Cody tonight. I was so torn between wanting to know and just not wanting to look!! My track record ain't so hot - 3 chicks out of 39 eggs in 2 separate hatches, so I was more than a little apprehensive. I got 16 Silkie eggs shipped from @RubyNala97 and, true to form, managed to break one putting it in the incubator, so I have 15 in the Brinsea. This is the first egg I candled tonight (day 4) and this is what I saw. (Ignore that stripy thing....seems to be a artifact in the 2 photos I took tonight)

Now, that's pretty doggone exciting, but what's even better is that I have 13 more just like it in there!!!

These are shipped eggs, and it took them a few days to get here. She did a fabulous job gathering, storing, and shipping these eggs! It CAN be done!! I only have one egg that looks like this out of all of them:

Maybe, just maybe, this might finally be the hatch I can actually pull off!!
Congrats on the veining.

We have external pips and lots of peeps coming from the bator. We should have chicks in the morning. One day early. My bator must run a degree hot.

Update: 3 hatched-

2 rocks and 1 silkie.
4 are pipped, and 11 are showing no movement yet.
They certainly got rolled around last night when the first 2 rocks came out!
I'm really glad that I have to work today, so I will be forced to leave the incubator alone! Sitting on my hands. :)
Congrats. Hope you get lots of chicks while you're away.

Or Chaos's family reunion!
And you know this how?
DH doesn't trust me to go alone to the feed store during chick season either. He says this time of year is dangerous for our budget. LOL! Unfortunately, for him and the budget we recently found a feed store that has chicks year round. We are really in trouble now. LOL! :gig
my hubby made the mistake of getting me an incubator so now I'm my own chick store.
I sitting here watching week old chicks jumping up and down as a next door gosling sticks his head over the bin is so cute to watch! Gosling is like a big dragon (sweet of course) and a brave lil chickie trying to jump up there to confront him!!

I set my D'Uccles and Bantam Polish Frizzles 36 hours ago...gonna be a long 3 weeks....

They are in the new incubator. Definitely a different design but you sure can see what is going on in there w/o opening it up!
Broody #11 started sitting today.
This is getting comical.

I am officially at an all time high broody epidemic. Luckily I have some production breeds so there are plenty of eggs to go around.
I have 3 of them currently residing in my feed room. Where am I going to put this one?
I have under the poop board, on the poop board, in the nest box, under the coop, in the chicken tractor, etc, etc, etc, broodys.

Broody # 2 hatched 2 more chicks today. I haven't ever had one hatch chicks and continue to sit. She hatched her first chick on 4/30. She was up to 4 total earlier today. Broody #3 took her 6 out to meet the flock today. She seems to have it much more together than #2. Broody #4 should be hatching this week.
I also have 15 in the incubator that went into lockdown yesterday. Happy May

I'm in the same boat. I've currently got 10 broodies either sitting or with chicks. I think it's time to build another coop, as every extra coop I have is filled at the moment with chicks and/or broodies. And I have another 6 hens that have decided to go broody recently. I've resisted setting them on anything. so far.

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