May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

All 3 OE's hatched!! The darkest one was the one that hatched yesterday.
I want them lol

I was seriously contemplating selling them where the batch was so bad and I really didn't have much hope that all 3 would hatch....but love their coloring and the first one born stole my heart. I have never had a chick want to cuddle like that one did. So I think I will keep them all!

Now I just have to figure out how I am going to move all the chicks around so that I can get these guys out to the brooder tank. I just let the almost 6 week old chicks out of the pen in the coop to be with the big chickens. They are still kind of using the pen area as a safe space to get away from the big chickens so I think I am going to have to make them a safe space out of a box with a hole cut in the side so I can get them all the way out of the pen and move the group of 5 week old silkies and 4 week old barnyard crosses from the brooder tank to the pen. Then I should be able to split the littles so that these don't get beat up.
Hey guys! I'm hatching Black copper Marans and today is my lockdown day. I have never hatched BCM's before so could someone please tell me what my humidity should be for these last days? I've already seen them all rocking and wiggling and moving. I don't want to screw up now! Thanks for any advice!!

Right around 65% is my sweet spot for hatching chicks, including Marans. Marans can be slow pokes when hatching so don't be alarmed if you start to see a little yellowing of the membrane at the external pip location. I find this drying of the membrane at pips to be common with Marans because they take their time. Especially in some of the dryer incubators like IncuView.

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