May 2023 Hatch-a-long

Sorry didn't mean to make you second guess. My problem was the humidity during pips and hatching. I was worried I would shrink wrap the ones hatching. How far apart are your eggs?
I did a staggered hatch this time (first time doing it). They were 12 days apart. My two hatched and during that time I didn’t change humidity and once pipped I didn’t turn. It remains to be seen how the 10 still in will do with the lack of turning until they hatch on Sunday. It was probably 48 hours not turning at day 11/12 for them. One that hatched did need an assist on the zip and I assume due to humidity.
I candled last night and all 10 look good though.
This morning we had one pip. On the wrong end but a pip nevertheless View attachment 3489057

And my only duck egg that made it this far died yesterday. I feel absolutely horrible. It was my first time hatching ducks and I was beyond excited. She internally pipped but couldn’t make it to external for some reason.
Sorry for your loss. I have my first duck eggs incubating and I’m so nervous. Hopefully you’ll be able to try again but still I know that’s heartbreaking.
I can see I gave some quail chicks I. The hatch tray but the view is pretty blocked by eggs… so somehow neither of the days I counted were correct lol. Anyway I’m happy that but all the eggs were duds. I won’t know how many until I open it up. But gosh quail chicks are so tiny. Whenever I hatch seramas I think ‘ahh they’re almost as tiny as quail’ but they’re not. Quail chicks are still like 1/2 they’re size
Sorry for your loss. I have my first duck eggs incubating and I’m so nervous. Hopefully you’ll be able to try again but still I know that’s heartbreaking.
Oh I’m toying with the idea of doing ducks. Just a few (LOL) to start. I saw a 4x4 playset that could be easily converted for sale…and my incubator will be free soon….
Oh I’m toying with the idea of doing ducks. Just a few (LOL) to start. I saw a 4x4 playset that could be easily converted for sale…and my incubator will be free soon….
Do you know what kind you want? I settled on Indian runners just because the lady I bought the eggs from assured me she hadn’t encountered any health problems with her flock. That was my biggest concern after seeing so many threads duck issues.
Do you know what kind you want? I settled on Indian runners just because the lady I bought the eggs from assured me she hadn’t encountered any health problems with her flock. That was my biggest concern after seeing so many threads duck issues.
I’m not sure yet. I’ve looked at Indian runners for sure as well as khaki Campbell. There are few breeds being posted around right now for hatching eggs but I definitely need to do some research before deciding.

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