May hatch-a-long

what breeds are you going to incubate :frow
I love Easter eggers hehe :D
I'm collecting some eggs from my own flock, I've got a young red laced black Wyandotte cockerel who's has just started last week attempting to mate with one of my australorp mix hens, not sure if he's been successful yet but I'm collecting the one hens eggs to try and incubate anyway :) I'm super excited to start hatching eggs from my own flock
I'm also really excited to see what their offspring will look like. The cockerel is just regular but the hen has very unusual colouring especially since both her parents were black "australorps", this girl looks nothing like an australorp lol. It's interesting how you can get such a variety, genetics are so interesting but complex at the same time haha
"Mr roo"
IMG_3595.PNG IMG_3598.PNG
"Cheeky the chicken"
IMG_3599.PNG IMG_3600.PNG
They are adorable my last two times incubating eggs they were from my old flock but one time I mixed in some from another place here is some of my first chicks I ever incubated View attachment 1335086this is jess View attachment 1335087and this is pippa she was my first chick ever that I hatch View attachment 1335088this is pepper View attachment 1335089and this is punkin
Aww they are so cute! I love Jess.
Mr roo is the only chick I've hatched before, he's my avatar picture:)

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