May hatch-a-long

My show quality ones came from a breeder here in Alberta. There's a few buckeye groups on Facebook. You can definitely find true to breed breeders there.
My 3 poor quality hens have a lot of buff. They should be a rich mahogany colour throughout. Roos are glossy with green tailfeathers.
I know we are into june now. But my last set of eggs set may 21 are due Monday June 11. And my mama scared me. She's been doing really well but the last few days she has been changing nests a lot more and today was my youngest sins birthday party did i hasn't been down to collect eggs or make sure she was in the right nest. And I've been worried becuase i haven't kept up with candling that the eggs both died. So i go down this evening and sure enough she's in the wrong nest. I candle both eggs 1 is at least 50% air cell at this piont and im not seeing movement in either and they are cold. It was only mid 70s today so I'm thinking even though it's only day 19 these are for sure gone at this piont. So with the large air cell first I crack a safety hole. And as I'm peeling back shell seeing no movement, I'm thinking yep it's done. Then right as I go go set it aside it moves.... shoot... So I quickly tuck it under mom. I decide maybe that was a fluke I already have 1 partly open better check the other. And i crack a safety hole and see nothing. So i just stand there holding it for a minute till suddenly it moves too. So i put it under mama as well. I'm really hoping they will both be ok, but mama is an awesome sweetheart and totally doesn't mind me messing with her or her eggs. I probably should have put her in the other pen but she'll have to do for tonight it's really cool tonight and the pen doesn't have as much protection as the main coop. I'm just glad both eggs were still alive at this point. I hate breaking broodies.

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