MAY Hatch-Along!!!! Let's do this!!!

I have 2 broody call ducks - the first was due today - or so I thought. Nothing yet, but hopefully I'll have some little quackers soon. She is sitting on 12 eggs, tiny as she is and if these hatch, will be the first from a broody. I'm so excited - can't wait to see the little ones follow her around.

Hi donnavee! Welcome! I hope that they all hatch! What breeds are the eggs? They are going to be so adorable with their mother!
Diamond88 - I'm glad your four remaining eggs are doing well!
I have a couple iffies that I'm going to candle tonight and see how they're doing.

I love the Ancona patterning! I'm also looking forward to being able to tell all my birds apart from each other, which you can't always do as well with other breeds.

DoesItQuack - have any hatched yet????

In the lab room for my biology class, we have an incubator that has some chicken eggs in it. One is pipping as of this evening, and I can hear it cheeping inside!
I'm a bit worried because the turner is still in there, but hopefully they'll be alright. Can't wait to check on them tomorrow!
The iffies are iffies no longer - all three that I was unsure about were moving tonight! It's so cool to watch them wiggle around in there.

Ilovemyduckies - sorry, I didn't realize you'd posted a couple of days ago. I meant when they stopped developing. Congrats on your 7 growing eggs!
The iffies are iffies no longer - all three that I was unsure about were moving tonight! It's so cool to watch them wiggle around in there.

Ilovemyduckies - sorry, I didn't realize you'd posted a couple of days ago. I meant when they stopped developing. Congrats on your 7 growing eggs!

Well, the with the my first batch of duck eggs (This year) They were all fully developed, but they died during lockdown. It seems like this is usually what happens. They develop fine and then die during lockdown.
I'm a bit late to the party but I just set my duck eggs today. I have 5 Cayuga, 4 Black Swedish and 4 Blue Runners. I've never incubated eggs before and am really, really, really hoping that I get at least a couple ducklings!
I've put a lot of time and research in to building an incubator and incubating eggs and feel like I've done a good job at building mine. The temp and humidity stay steady!
It's going to be soooo hard to wait 28 days!

My husband thought I was nuts at first, now he's really getting in to it and is a great help with the duck enclosure we're working on. He's actually getting excited about having ducks!
Hi all,

I've got 7 Mallard and 3 Rouen eggs going into lockdown today.

I have hatched this month (may), so far.......

5 Blueback Ringneck Pheasant, 1 died shortly after hatching so I have 4,
1 Chinese Ringneck Pheasant,
3 mixed breed bantam chicken, and
1 Naked Neck bantam chicken.

In my incubators.......

7 Mallard ggs,
3 Rouen eggs,
6 Red Sexlink eggs (from my own hens), and
5 Red Golden Pheasant eggs.

Wating arrival of........

17 yellow Golden Pheasant eggs,
12 Lady Amherst Pheasant eggs,
6 India Blue Peafowl eggs, and
24 Chinese Ringneck Pheasant eggs.

I have bought this month, so far.......

8 Black Spanish Turkey poults,
7 Ringeck Pheasant Pheasant chicks (breed unknown yet. They were supposed to be Red Golden ), and
35 Chinese Ringneck Pheasant chicks (arriving around 6 june from Stromberg's Hatchery).

I've got my hands full with incubating and caring for the rest of my birds, young & adult and other animals but I'm loving every minute of it. Living in the country is GREAT and I will NEVER move from here.

Good luck to all who are hatching this month. I'm happy to be a part of such a great site.
Mothers day brought me 14 turkeys and 24 ducks. None this weekend. But I have 2 hatches of 100 birds next week within 6 days
Ilovemyduckies -
I'm sorry. Hopefully this time all of them will hatch - shipped eggs can be iffy sometimes.

Here's the first two chicks that have hatched out in our biology lab:

Before I left, there was another one who'd hatched, and a fourth had made a sizable hole in its shell (that one was hatching from the small end - does that happen when the air cell is messed up?). That fourth one had been trying for a while, I think - the once-wet (I assume) stuff around the hole was pretty dried out. It looked like there was pretty good humidity in there, but he'd moved the eggs that morning, so maybe it got a little dry then. I hope it'll be alright.
The one that's looking at the camera was pretty big - I'm sure the down made him look bigger, but I was surprised at how big he is. I thought they were leghorns/leghorn hybrids, and I guess I thought leghorns would be on the smaller side, but maybe not! Or maybe he's especially large.

Day 11 for my eggs - 17 to go! 3 more days till the halfway point!

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