May Hatch Thread--Fill up those bators n' broodies!

Sorry about that my Internet went down .
MY temp has stay 99.8 to 99.4 lowest
I did a dry hatch where humidity was 24-25 though out the whole process. .
I may have a problem with the first Lil guy. I have no movemt with him anymore. But one's out and 3 more pipping.
Silver pencil rock is out. And buff brahmas are pipping. Lots of noise too.
All but my heritage RIR eggs (which are Jersey Giant size so I think they need more time) are in lockdown! Moved them to the hatcher, did a quick candle of the eggs due tomorrow and huzzah we have internal pips! Here's hoping everything goes well :D

I have 3 different incubators running right now. The Brinsea mini and Genesis #1 are locked down, and Genesis #2 has the RIRs still cooking and I think I'll hatch them in there so that I don't have to open #1. It's gonna be an exhausting weekend O_O

In the meantime, my d'Anver chicks are too cute for words. Tiny, brave, and outgoing little things! I find them hopping around the cage and flapping their tiny wings already at almost a week old :D
really happy for you
Well, it is 4:30 here.......Been up for a couple of hours fretting over an egg that pipped yesterday.
The last time I went to check had hatched and finally one of my shipped Buff Orps.
A whole lot of pipping going I am so excited, I can't go back to sleep......
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Well, it is 4:30 here.......Been up for a couple of hours fretting over an egg that pipped yesterday.
The last time I went to check had hatched and finally one of my shipped Buff Orps.
A whole lot of pipping going I am so excited, I can't go back to sleep......

Oh heck no dont go back to bed, its hatching day!!!!
Still not a darn thing here. I need to find something to do to occupy my time. I cant watch that bator all day, but I have such wonky air cells I know there are some that will need assisting! What to do what to do!
So my lil guy that hatched at 7pm last night is still laying on his back. He's alive but lays belly up. Does not put his feet in front of him. I want to open it and grab him but I have 5 more pipping, he's a ameruacana. My others that are pipping are buckeyes and i really want them to hatch!!! Totally don't know what to do.
So far I have 11 CHICKS!! - 6 others are hatching and of the 8 eggs left 4 are rocking around but no pips yet. I had one die after partially zipping - not sure what happened - been studying it for a while and the best I can come up with is that it's internal organs are on the outside of it's body - at first I thought the yoke had turned black but after looking at some eggtopsy pics, I am pretty sure that it's internal organs. None of the others have had any problems. (The eggs in the carton are not due to hatch yet - those are set for May 30th).

The FIRST ONE around 7ish PM (Dominique/Light Brahma Cross) :

SECOND AND THIRD (Dominiques) by 9:30 PM:

FOURTH - Blue Splash Ameraucana - 10:30 PM (camera batteries are dying sorry about the fuzziness):

(overlook the tweezers - I keep them by the bator in case):
So my lil guy that hatched at 7pm last night is still laying on his back. He's alive but lays belly up. Does not put his feet in front of him. I want to open it and grab him but I have 5 more pipping, he's a ameruacana. My others that are pipping are buckeyes and i really want them to hatch!!! Totally don't know what to do.
My Ameraucana's always lie on their backs - I thought it was strange at first - but I've just gotten use to it. Even after they fluff up and find their legs - I can pick one up and lay it on it's back in the palm of my hand and it will stay that way and let me rub its belly!

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