Maybe water belly?


In the Brooder
May 9, 2022
Hi there, I’ve noticed my 3 year old blue runner is a little heavy and not moving around much. She’s eating and drinking normally. She did poop something weird pictured below. I don’t believe she is egg bound. Her belly feels firm but squishy on one side. There are no “exotic vets” in my area. Any advice would be great.

Thanks so much


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This is an excellent article that might be helpful to you and your duck, Stephann09. It uses veterinary language but has good explanations. If you should be puzzled by any of the language, ask questions in this thread and I will try and help [I am not a vet but I have a human health background!! We use the same language as vets.] belly is usually caused by pulmonary hypertension,,can experience hypoxia which leads to pulmonary hypertension.
This is an excellent article that might be helpful to you and your duck, Stephann09. It uses veterinary language but has good explanations. If you should be puzzled by any of the language, ask questions in this thread and I will try and help [I am not a vet but I have a human health background!! We use the same language as vets.] belly is usually caused by pulmonary hypertension,,can experience hypoxia which leads to pulmonary hypertension.
Thank you very much!! Fingers crossed
I had a duck with water belly. I took her to the vet to get drained weekly for over 6 months. My avian vet used an ultrasound to guide her needle because the organs are so near to the puncture site.

Eventually she didn't have a good quality of life and we euthanized her. Her necropsy showed that she had reproductive cancer.
I’m sorry for your loss, I completely understand and thank you so much. I was able to get her a appt 45 mins away.

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