McMurray order of Red Stars and Whiting True Blues

Looks like the yellow and black is a girl then, and the grey\blue is the boy. He looks a lil' puffy faced too, very cute! Love his super dark legs too. Interesting they have different color legs, I think I remember reading that now.
Yep, I agree, the blue looks like a male :)

Oh now I'm a wee bit jealous lol, the cockerel I've been looking for! :p

He's beautiful; that would be exactly what I'm looking for, THAT blue one! Makes me think of going ahead and ordering 6 cockerels, since that's all they have left; at least it looks like I'd have a good chance of getting at least ONE blue out of it. ;)

Are you planning on breeding them at all? Hint hint ha-ha ;)
I ordered some partridge Cochins, salmon faverolles, buff polish, dark brahma, and blue laced red Wyandotte form Murray Mcmurray! Set to come on March 20th!
Can't wait! Does anyone know what to look for in genetics of any of these breeds? Or ordered any from Murray Mcmurray?
Thanks everyone. I'll keep trying to update pictures. I'm curious to see if the blue one is going to turn out to be another breed. Maybe as he grows up someone will identify him as something for sure.
Updating with 1 week old photos of the Whiting True Blues

Here's the Whiting male. He has a ton of coloring.

The black female.It's hard to tell in my photo but she has a brown tint to the back edge of the feathers.

The white female. She's going to be a knock out I think. I was trying to get her stance.

These are two of the striped females. I couldn't get the other striped females picture. She must be camera shy.

Here's the suspect Grey. I also tried to get his stance.

He could also be a Blue Andalusian. If he is, he might look similar to mine... Lol McMurray snuck one in on mine, and he's my favorite roo ever, for sure.

I still think it looks just like what is promised in Dr. Whitings birds, the blueish color being one of several possibilities. Looked like they were mostly white, blue, black, and Splash, so I'm still leaning towards the Whiting for his breed.

If he's any other breed that McMurray offers, it would have to be a Blue breed, and they have very few, so it should make guessing easier if need be.

Only time will tell, but here's a shot if Blue, just in case you want to compare to a Blue Andalusian. Blue is a splash, though, so his color was washed out as a chick; he was pretty much white when he hatched.


One thing we need to look at, is the comb. Blue is a single comb, where the Whitings are going to have pea combs. So, notice how Blue already has a comb at one week old. Watch the combs, those are going to be the next indicator of sex. Males will pop up a noticeable comb within 2-3 weeks from hatch, and they'll also be friendlier, more outgoing birds, not shy to be handled. They're "cocky" per se ;)

Edit* Blue was actually 2 weeks old in the photo, oops ;)
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I'm also curious about the striped "male"... I'm trying to find some more info, but I remembered something about Leghorn in the mix. And leghorns are also autosexing, by feather pattern. Leghorn feather pattern is Chipmunk for female, so I'm wondering if that striped one is actually a pullet?... I'll see if I can find any info for sure, but its hard since these are a newer breed...

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