Meal planning and budgeting . . . getting started P.4!!!

YUP! That worked for me - I opened it
Awesome! then over the lonnnng weekend let's make it a goal to get it down loaded, or printed, or copied. Don't fill it out yet . . . we have such fun coming!
All righty then, if we get going on this now anyone who wants to, can start the New Year with a “Brand New Plan”.

1. By now you should have your 13 week menu printed out or downloaded or copied down and ready to start filling out.

We’re going to start with Monday’s.

2. Let’s get your breakfast section filled out. What do YOU eat for breakfast on Mondays . . . or what would you be happy to eat if you always had it in stock in the house . . . as you can see we have ham and egg burritos; I have a year’s worth of ham and tortillas frozen in the freezer (15 lbs ham 25 packs tortillas) and Tabasco on the shelf (12 bottles); the only things I buy fresh are the green onion and sour cream.
If you only have coffee and toast, write it in! Ask yourself what can you stock up on; coffee filters? Bread in the freezer? Cereal?
Don’t try to run out and buy a year’s worth at once. Pick one item to stock up on at a time, break it down into manageable chunks.

3. Start a shopping list with three columns one for weekly, one for monthly and one for yearly. Fill it out at the same time that you fill in your menu. (non perishables only) mine has a serperate column for weekly fresh items as well.

Katy’s Ham & Egg Burritos
Eggs (Plan on about 1.5 eggs per burrito)
Diced ham
Chopped green onions
Flour tortillas – soft taco size
Sour Cream
Scramble your eggs with the ham and onion. Cook on hot fry pan. Warm tortillas on separate fry pan or if you’re in a hurry in the microwave. Spread a line of sour cream down tortilla, sprinkle with Tabasco & top with eggs. If you want to use cheese, top with shredded cheddar at this point. Fold up burrito and serve hot!
If you want to cook ahead and freeze leave the sour cream off. Freeze them on a cookie sheet first, then store in bags or Tupperware. When I did this when kids were small I would pull out the night before and let defrost in fridge, and then grill whole burrito in morning. You can microwave but they get a little soggy.

Get caught up because tomorrow is Monday lunch!
anybody still out there?
If you like the idea of tuna for lunch once a week; I'm going to post my tuna recipes on a seperate thread, look for it under tuna salad. I like tuna for it's healthy alternative to lunch meats etc. Also it's easy to store and keep a years worth on hand. It also is a very afffordable and healthy meal.
Although, for me this is one of my splurges, I buy very expensive tuna from a little family owned fishery on the Washington coast. I didn't do this when I was young, but I save enough on the rest of my grocery bill to do it now. (although it's still cheaper than fast food!) I'll include the link to where I buy it if anyone is interested.
I just saw this thread, it looks great and easy to follow. I'm not big on meat either, once a week is plenty for me and my son is a big raw veggie fan so I can adapt the basics to fit our style. Thanks so much!

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