Mealworm farming


I would have the chicks in my bedroom if it wasn't for my husband ;) Although they are just starting to get messy enough that I want my coop done. I've been working on it in my mom's garage, my stepdad did all of the cutting and framing, it is built like a brick ****house, I hope there is enough muscle around to move it! It seems like I have been painting parts forever... I know I will be a wreck when I move them though, because I wont be able to just peek in on them all of the time. My husband teased me about getting a camera out there, if it was in my budget I would seriously do it. I do want to get a wireless thermometer so I can keep track of the temperature in there.
I have a mealworm question. How do you (or do you really need to) check the humidity percentage of your mealworm bins?

I don't and I suspect most people don't. Since my bin is relatively open to the air, it's somewhere near the ambient humidity level (which here is usually less than 20%). Mealworms will grow slightly faster with higher humidity levels but increasing the humidity level also increases the risk for all sorts of problems. I advise keeping it low, if possible. Anything <65 % is best. For example, higher humidity levels create the conditions necessary for grain mites to reproduce. Some people live in places with high humidity and there is not much you can do about it, except be more vigilant for emerging problems.

eta: Hey, I just noticed that was your first post to BYC!
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First post, yes....but I can see MANY, MANY more coming. I'm a city child who's ended up in the country with a dog, a cat, red worms 9 chickens (that was supposed to be just 3) and mealworms that should be here by mid week. thx to everyone for all the help......YEAA BYC
Question about mealworm farming;
When I move the pupae into their own container do I need to add fruit/vegetable to the bin??? I have just staarted mealworm farming , have 2200 mealworms that I ordered and have put in a bin.There is already some pupae and want to make sure I don't kill them
Question about mealworm farming;
When I move the pupae into their own container do I need to add fruit/vegetable to the bin??? I have just staarted mealworm farming , have 2200 mealworms that I ordered and have put in a bin.There is already some pupae and want to make sure I don't kill them
You dont need anytrhing in the bin. I put a paper towel in the bottom but I know that is more for MY comfort than theirs!!!! They dont eat while in the pupa stage either.
Question about mealworm farming;
When I move the pupae into their own container do I need to add fruit/vegetable to the bin??? I have just staarted mealworm farming , have 2200 mealworms that I ordered and have put in a bin.There is already some pupae and want to make sure I don't kill them
The pupa don't eat or drink at all, but when they morph into the beetles they will. Depending on how often you plan on moving the beetles to another bin I would keep one simple moisture source (potato, carrot etc..) whatever you find lasts the longest, not for the pupa but the beetles. If the beetles hatch out and have no other moisture source they can predate on the pupa for moisture.

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